HSG Appointment booked


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2011
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its March 21st at 11am and although I am pleased that the appointment has finally been made. I would be lying if I said I wasnt bricking it. I have been researching what to expect and watching youtube Vlogs etc and im so not looking forward to the procedure, on the plus side though I did read that pregnancy rates are high after having one done as they can clear out the tubes....
Yay :D That's great pol :)

March will be here in no time and who knows, a BFP right after sounds like a plan :good:
yeah thanks Kez, the call came this morning, I have booked the day off work and the next day is my consultants appointment so I have that one off too, S has booked both days off so I wont have to drive xxx
thanks Lou, I really hope so that would be the icing on the cake eh? xxx
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As I said in your journal, fab news! I really hope you get your bfp after, that'd be fantastic. x x
that's great hun, it honestly isn't that bad, try not to worry. and stop looking it up on the net, it will just make you worry more! hugs xxx
It was painful at the time, but the severe pain only lasted a minute or two, and after that there was just a bit of a dull ache. It is embarassing/ uncomfortable but the benefits well outweigh the downsides. I was fine to drive myself home afterwards, it was no worse than mild period pain afterwards and I had spotting for a couple of days afterwards.

Try not to worry too much. I am a wuss and I survived :eek:)
thats great news march will be here in no time xxxxxxx
That's great news :)

I should have had mine by then so will be able to tell you how it was/pain etc. I'm sure its not too bad. I plan on taking a couple of painkillers before hand just in case. x
Hi DP,
I had mine yesterday!!
It actually was not that bad at all, bit uncomfortable but like one of the girls said only for a cple of mins, then its all over!!!
Good news though!
Good luck! xxxx
Great news honey! It isnt that bad honestly! Good Luck!
hiya i have mine on thursday and am also bricking it but itll be somthing else to tick off the list, ill check in and let you know how it was xx

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