

Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2008
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How do you get rid of yours? I had an actual MEAL for dinner tonight :cheer: (a little jacket potato with cheese and beans) as have been feeling better today. I have eaten loads today (comparatively: 2 digestives, an apple, a snadwich, a milkshake (YUM!), a couple of mini donuts) and my meal. But I am STARVING!

I have just munched my way through 6 oranges as I am on a rare "I can tolerate fruit" binge today but I'm starving again literally 10 mins after eating them.


I am of course now paranoid that my lack of nausea = mmc...
I have no idea. I am suffering the same thing. I haven't had any MS at all just ravenous.

I have bought a pack of rice cakes reckoning that snacking on them is better than buying and eating crisps. But they don't cut it for very long.
Ah, the hunger has struck (budda stamp on that paranoia right now, it's bound to come back and even if it doesn't that does NOT equal somethign beign wrong!). It's a nightmare, nothing fills you up especially not healthy stuff. It's got to be carbs all teh way girls, that's the best thing, although doesn't entirely work still. Nicky you're right, rice cakes, ryvita, stuff like that, is healthy(ish) alternative to crisps. You might just want to not worry about the healthiness for now and eat bread? Works for me. And you can always make it granary. Mmmmmm carbs. I can't justify stuffing my face so much anymore, I'm not nauseous when hungry now so trying ot start to ration food intake :(
I cant stop eating!!! I have had a instant meal already and am still hungry, debating a snadwich but knw we are having fresh rolls and salad for tea so dont want go mad eatin bread!!
but theres not much else snack wise at mo as I keep eatin we are running out faster then we normally would!
Hahah I was exactly the same in Tri 1 - couldnt get enough food and was hungry constantly..I couldnt say 'i'll grab something in half an hour' I needed it right then or I started feeling sick.

That has totally gone now and my appetite has gone back to normal..hopefully some reassurance that it wont last forever girls :D
I just made sure my fridge has lots of little snacks. Carbs are great, but proteiny things will satisfy your hunger for longer. My top pregnancy snacks are - rice cakes, oat cakes of ryvitas with different toppings such as - hummus, cottage cheese and sliced beetroot, cream cheese & avacado, guacamole, or peanut butter, Also loving the old classic of toast and marmite. Also little bits of cheese and a tomato or apple slices. Before you all think I am sickingly smug healthy person, I have also been eating lots of hazlenut and chocolate chip cookies, and am fairly fat anyway, so am having to be really careful not to put on too much extra weight.
yeah I'm the same curly, I had to have a serious review about five weeks ago when I was eating toast and butter like it was going out of fashion! Everyone says ah, you're pregnant, it's okay to eat, but I know I'll turn into small bungalow if I don't watch it. If only fruit was filling.
Actualy bananas are good. They actually leave me feeling full for about an hour, maybe closer to 2hrs.
Its funny normally I can take or leave them, more often leave them, but they have tasted sooo good recently.
oh i had tis the other week n now iv gone bk to cnt eat n everything food wise i see or think makes me want to be sick arrgghh its not fair i wanna go bk to eatting lloads lol
Well the paranoia has gone (thanks splash :oops:) and the nausea is back with a vengeance :cheer: I was smiling this morning as I tried to to retch over my rice crispies :lol:

One thing I really do miss here is nice ripe bananas. I am SO picky (they have to be rbight yellow, firm with just a hint of green at the ends) and, although bananas actually grow WILD here, by the time they reach the supermarkets they are already turning brown (*heave*)

There is also a serious deficit of nice dips and things! I'm liking the ryvita though. I am getting sick (pun definitely intended) of toast toast toast. Yesterday was clearly a brief respite for me to get some vitamins into me that weren't in pill form and I'm back to CARBS!

The odd thing is I have actually lost 4 pounds since my BFP. I can diet, exercise, starve myself if I want and I NEVER lose weight (I'll drop a dress size but I really must have heavy bones!? :lol:) but pregnancy is clearly stripping my body of pounds :S Kinda scary as I haven't been under 11st in years!
I havent stopped eating since i concieved! (Am 6 weeks preg with second baby). Eating keeps the nausea at bay - learnt that from last time!

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