

Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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Hi, I'm getting anxious already about the birth, I know its early but I am a complete wimp when it comes to pain!!!! So I've mentally gone through every sort of birth and pain releif but it all comes down to how I will cope mentally and Ive read about hypnobirthing. Has anyone tried it/knows anyone who has or is thinking about it as I'd really like to know if its as good as they say???? Thanks x
I bought a natal hypnotherapy programme at the baby show recently. I love it, at the moment I'm listening to a relaxation cd before i go to sleep which relaxes me completely. Then there's a birth preperation cd which you listen to from 32 weeks onwards which builds on the first. The 3rd cd is for during and after the birth- relaxes you and baby apparently! I used to hate things like this but as soon as I found it I had to try it as I keep covering my ears and going lalalalalala whenever the subjuct of labour is mentioned!
Yes I saw the cd's advertised handbagqueen and I wondered if they were as good, Im willing to try anything that might make it a bit easier!! Whats yours called if you dont mind me asking?? Its helpful to of heard from someone who's tried it that its good so thanks!XX
I had private Hypnobirthing sessions whilst pregnant with Isaac, and I cannot recommend them enough personally. They aren't for everyone, you need a certain mindset really, its more about being excited about and seeing birth as normal, therefore not to be feared/painful, but to be welcomed/experienced. There's so much to say about it, but I don't want to waffle on :lol:

I was never afraid or scared of labour/birth, whilst labouring I was excited and I enjoyed it, it was the most wonderfully intense feeling :D I unfortunately ended up in hospital and drugged-up, that part was hard, as you cannot work with your body when its drugged up :( However, Isaac was never once distressed during my labour/birth, and they even got worried he was so relaxed at one point and started jabbing me hard with a scanner :lol:

I would recommend this book, HypnoBirthing - The Mongan Method, if the book is something you can relate to then Hypnobirthing sessions would be beneficial for you, there is also CD's available through the NCT.

Very best wishes, PM anytime if you want to talk more about it :hug:
I agree with Redshoes. The Marie Mongan book is great. Bit heavy going but once you get in to it, it all makes sense.
I ended up having to have a section because Tom was so big but the hypnobirthing even helped me stay calm throughout that.
I would really really recommend.
I went from wanting to have every drug available at the earliest stage possible to wanting a completely natural birth and not being scared at all.
Thanks girls thats really helpful I'm definately gonna check some of those out cos like you say I am soooo excited about meeting the baby so if i could just get to concentrate on that more and lose some of the fear and need for pan releif i can enjoy it more! Its good to hear you've all had good experiences from it. XX
I never tried proper hypnobirthing but am a firm believer that a positive attitude helps enormously. I went into labour havng accepted that it would hurt but it was necessary and wouldn't last long, and I had a really positive birth experience.
I saw a programme on BBC2 last night on hypnotherapy and this woman had her front two teeth removed, and had root canal, metal spikes fitted in their place for two new teeth..... and her only pain relief was hypnosis!!!!! The operation to 1 1/2 hours!!!!! I say if you are one of the hypnotisable people (apparantly some people aren't) then it must be able to help with childbirth....

Yes definately its all about just overcoming that ear and focusing on the positive, I bet im one of the people that it wont work on though but Ill give it a damn good try!XX
Like maybebaby says you certainly don't need hypnobirthing to have apositive and relaxed birth experience, its about an attitude and an acceptance, and hypnobirthing just expands on that and gives tools in breathing, music, voice and touch to help you achieve that.

Hypnosis is a very deep form of relaxation, and it will only work on people who are willing to let it and accept it. If you first try out a relaxation CD at bedtime, to see if it starts to send you off to sleep quickly, you'll know you can relax and let hypnosis take you. When I put on my relaxation CD I'm asleep within 5mins :lol:

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