I CAN'T wait!!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2009
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This whole pregnancy thing takes soooo long! It feels like ages since I got my BFP and I can't wait to hold bubs in my arms. I am normally not too bad when having to wait for things but I am just so excited and want my due date to hurry up and get here (although knowing my luck bubs will be late!), :bf1:
no the feeling lovely it seems to be dragging big time trying to keep as busy as possible but not really helping!! be good if we could just sleep till our due dates hehe xx
Yep or at least know date when bubs is coming not just estimated to come. I am just so excited :)
Dont worry, it deffinatly speeds up towards the end :) Youll get your LO soon!!!! Its not so bad if your LO decides to stay in there a little longer. Just means they aren't quite cooked yet! :D
Yep or at least know date when bubs is coming not just estimated to come. I am just so excited :)

that would be good i have been lucky with my first she was a week early and my second on his due dates
fingers crossed you will have the same and not waiting xx
I think it's because I'm off now and keep feeling her move about. I've been up putting wall stickers up in the nursery this afternoon - it's really starting to take shape in there :)
I know, I can't wait either! Just think.. It'll be august on the weekend then we can say after next month our babies will be here.. Sounds better than saying 'october' seems too long to wait if you say it like that lol
its less then 3 month! yeay! october will be labourwatch NONSTOP!

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