I'm bleeding again.


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2007
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I noticed after my bath this morning that I have started bleeding again. It's not very heavy and is clean fresh blood so I am not too worried but am a little concerned.

I stopped bleeding 2 weeks after giving birth and haven't had anything since.

Could this be my first period (I am bottle feeding) or is it normal to have another slight bleed almost 2 weeks later.
Maybe it's your period.. they come back quicker if you're bottle feeding, i'm the same as you and stopped bleeding about 2 weeks after the birth, then had a period about 2/3 weeks after that.
yes it cud be a period hun..but still watch for any big clots/heavy bleeding like a full pad in an hour..cuz that happend to me i stopped the post birth bleed then 2 weeks later i had "period bleeding" that suddenly started pouring - i was sat on the loo while OH got me a hand towle to use in knickers until we got to hospital it was that bad. (like a river :puke: )

but thankfully i was okay it was just a large PV bleed possibly because i had such a large open raw area inside as chirstopher was 10.14.5oz and obviously had a large placenta.

but im sure ur just having a periosd thay do come back very quick if ur not BF.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I thought i had stopped bleeding after three weeks then on week four woke up to a puddle in the bed :puke: . MW had warned me this might happen.
Came on my period at six weeks.
Hope this helps
Spoke to my GP this afternoon and he saud it is most likely to be my periods. :(

I have to watch for any clots and heavy bleeding.

Thanks for the replies. xxx

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