Induced - Good and Bad stories please


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2010
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If baby doesn't arrive by next Thursday the consultant wants me to be induced (Friday DD). This is due to the monitoring and doppler being raised.

I am after good and bad stories, bring them all on, would rather be in the know than not. Any other advice as well please.

I have to admit this is my worse night mare coming true, as we did cover this at NCT classes and it really doesn't seem a very nice route to have to go down, but would like to hear first hand stories.

I think the worse part is that i have to go in late Thursday Afternoon to have gel put in, then again at 10pm, if nothing happens hubby has to go home. Which means i will be put on a ward without my husband and could go into labour. The thought makes me feel really stressed at the moment.

Hubby said he will look into paying for a side room later when we go in for monitor, at least the midwives might let him come in earlier if labour starts than if i was on a ward.

Lots of walking this weekend is planned.
Sorry no stories but didn't want to read and run!
My colleague went in for her induction on monday and as far as I know still hasn't had baby, but will let you know her experience once it's here lol!
I just snuck in from tri 2 but thought id answer. I got induced with my son at 42 weeks. I went in early in the morning and was on my own nearly all day but as soon as i was took down to the delivery ward at about 8ish they said anyone you want with you can come in. So that was great had who I wanted there for the whole labour and birth and they stayed until i went back up to maternity then had to go home as it was 1am. The labour it self wasnt bad at all, it was my first so cant compare to a noninduced labour , its not nice that you cant get up and walk around but other than that I had no problems. I was in established labour for 2 or 3 hours i cant remember but I know it was very quick (although didnt seem it at the time) and everyone commented on how quickly it went. Not much help but you hear so many horrow stories about being induced (glad I didnt read them before I was) but honestly I was perfectly happy with how my labour and delivery went.
the thought of being induced on the 2nd dec literally made my contractions start on the 1st!!

i did have to have my waters broke,after being on the heart tracer thingy n her heartbeat dropping when i was having contractions, but no other experience besides that, my friend had the pessary n then 3days later had her little boy,

good luck & hope you pop b4!!

I was induced at 40+5 my hind waters went at 2230 and I had a small bleed so they did not want to send me home to come back and be induced the following day so was induced early hours. When I went in my cervix was still far back and had not started to shorten so had a pessary at 2am which brought on a few contractions at 4am but they only lasted an hour and stopped, 2nd pessary went in at 9am and if that one did not work then I was to go onto a drip. I was so not ready to deliver body wise as I was not dilated and my cervix was still pretty much closed.
Drip didn't even work for me even though it brought on some really strong contractions and I had to have gas and air, diamorphine and finally epidural as the pain was that bad I had a bad time but I think it was because my body genuinnely wasnt ready to have the baby and I had to have emergency c section due to the babys heartbeat dropping and my blood pressure getting really low.

Everyone has a different experience and I have to say I did not fear anything as I knew I was in good hands.
Thanks ladies.
I managed to see the consultant i wanted to see in the first place today. He agreed that induction really isn't the way forward and has a lot of risks for Mum and Baby, with already being monitored this isn't the best solution. He isn't keen on me going to over due still, but to keep me monitored next week and then decided if i do go passed my due date. To maybe go down c section road rather than induction, but is hoping that baby will arrive before then.
Thanks again.
my waters started leaking at 30 weeks, I had steroid injections to mature his lungs and keep him in there and was kept going until 37 weeks and a few days when they induced me.
Sorry, but I had a bad experiance...

I was took into hospital on the Tuesday, but they kept taking me up to put a pesery in to start it of and then sending me back down to the ward cus they would get to full to put the pesery in.

Then finally on the wednesday i had a pesery put in, didnt do anything. had another thursday morning nd started getting contractions, they then looked inside and then they broke my waters thursday afternoon. everything looked good and i got to 7cm with just a tens machine and I thought everything would go fab.

then the stupid hospital gave me pethadine at 8cm wich is way too far gone to give it, and my baby boy came out very droozy and had to have help to breath.

My contractions then compleatly stopped around 8cm and i had to have a drip up wich makes the contractions come SO intence and fast it was unbearable, I was so so nackered by then as well and so out of it, and just remember it being horrible as I couldnt move about either as I had to have a drip in my arm constantly to put fluids into me and to make the labour carry on
Then when my boy came out I nearly had to go to theatre to be stitched up as I tore really badly, but lukily they just about manged to do it on the ward, but it was nearly a 3rd degree tear.

Then my placenta wouldnt come away for ages, even after giving me the injection to make it come away, and they thought id have to go to theatre, until I then threw up everywhere and it all came out while i was sick. Lovely.

Now Im not sure if I had a shit experiance of birth because I was induced, or because thats just how it would of gone anyway, but i personally put it down to being induced.

BUT Im sure the majority of people will have a good experiance hun :)
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my induction wasn't too bad for me as i was drugged to the eyeballs. however joshua had a raection to the syntocin or whatever and his heartbeat went crazy so ended up with an emergency caesarean! xx
Sorry for the long winded story in advance but here goes!

Was admitted to hosp at 29 weeks where I stayed until I was induced at 36.3 weeks due to having pre-eclampsia!

Wed 9th March 1993....blood pressure shot up so the popped a canular in, got me all ready etc and whipped me down to delivery and my blood pressure...............settled!!! Back up to the ward I went!

Thurs 10th March the same thing happened so they decided that I would be monitored over night and taken down to be induced at 6am on Fri 11th March!

So 6am had first peseri inserted....and waited.....and waited and waited!
Had a bath, had a wonder around the deliver department....still after a couple of intermals, and after nothing was happening at 4pm they broke my waters and hooked me up to a drip with the a hormone to set my contractions away!

THAT WORKED....yeyyyy!
Things were moving along nicely, pain was coming thick and fast and I opted for an epidural!

That was started and I have to say that was the worst bit of the whole giving birth experience!
The guy doing it didnt wait for the anesthetic to work before he made the insisition and the pain of that was horrendous! Anyway they eventually got it in with me in agony, sat me up and I promptly passed out! So they popped me on my left side where all the block went so I still had feeling right down the right side of my body....and felt it ALL!!

Anyway with the contractions still coming regularly and getting stronger the MW came in and checked me at 8.12 pm and announced I was 5cm dialated....then I got the feeling like I had to push....pushed once and she seemed to slide back up...pushed again and again she wasnt coming out...then pushed a third time and that was it....out she was....DD born at 8.23pm....only a few mins after they told me I was only 5cm dialated!

It all happened soooooo fast in that last 5cm! I ended up with a tear which need 11 stitches but I can honestly say if I get another labour like that I will be long as they wait for the anesthetic to kick in before cutting me this time but for me I was happy as it was all controlled and I felt safe!

Im def hoping it will be something similar this time only without the pre-eclampsia I hope!

So for me it was def a positive experience.....hope that helps a bit xxx
Hiya... with my little girl i was induced and this is what happened:

due date: 6th March

DAY 1 - induction date: 15th March, went in and was monitored for an hour or so before being given the prostin gel tablet internally at about 10am. 6 hours later examined again as having semi painful contractions - no progress, too late in day for another prostin so told to rest overnight.... felt gutted however they did give me gas and air on the ward to get me through the night.... was told hubby had to go home and they would give another prostin in morning. Stayed awake all night til hubby back at 8am. There were 5 other ladies also being induced at the same time as me and 1 by 1 they all went off to the labour ward at different stages throughout the day and i saw all of them return some hours later with their babies!!!!

DAY 2 - re-examined.... NO PROGRESS! (another 5 new ladies in to be induced). Was given another prostin, checked 6 hours later - no progress so final prostin given. Re-examined late that night about 9pm - NO PROGRESS hubby to be sent home again. Lovely midwife convinced me to have pethedine for the contractions that i had been having to 2 days now - BEST THING I EVER DID... she let hubby stay til about midnight and gave me the pethedine which completely knocked me out!!! Woke up 3 am with very bad pain but then pains completely dissappeared. (another 5 ladies all back with their babies by this time!!!!)

DAY 3 / 4 - consultant round to see us and i told her i was so sore (down below) from all the examinations and prostins that i really wanted to request a c-section. She said "just let me examine you one last time" so i agreed and then she said "you are 1 cm, you can go down to labour ward and have your waters broken" me and hubby cried with joy at this moment!!!!

So 10am - down to labour ward
12 midday - waters broken by midwife
6pm - 4cms dilated and requested epidural
7pm - put on syntocin drip to speed things up
8pm - epidural not working and was re-done by the anaesthetist
11pm - epidural still not working, repositioned again and this time worked perfectly - bliss!
they then wacked up the syntocin drip to full strength and by 12 midnight i was fully dilated - they waited an hour and then at 1pm i started pushing
2pm - baby Josie born unassisted weighing 8lb 3oz!

So although to read through this probably sounds like a bit of a nightmare it was the best experience of our lives. Gas & Air was great as was the pethedine and most definately the epidural... I only wish i had know these things:

1) how long (ie... days rather than hours) it can take for induction to work
2) that epidurals are FANTASTIC but may not always work first time - mine took 3 attempts of re-positioning for it to be fully effective
3) having your waters broken does not hurt at all!
4) tell your family to be prepared to wait for the induction to work (my brother was so worried that i hadn't had the baby within the first 2 day that he drove 200 miles to the hospital where i was!
5) for MOST women induction works well (like the other ladies on the first 2 days i was in hospital it worked very well and quickly for) unfortunately i was one of the ones it took a bit longer to work for!
6) if everything is ok with you and baby i would def try to wait the full 2 weeks overdue next time no matter how desparate you are to meet the baby!
7) having your bits examined internally every 6 hours for 3 days can be rather sore.

anyway, i hope i haven't scared you but i really wished i had just known it is not a quick process for everyone. My labour on paper was 14 hours (from when they broke my waters to birth) however i was in hospital from the weds to the sunday. luckily i was home within 12 hours of the birth!

Just be prepared for it to possibly take a little while to work, and if your hubby has to go home at night he is only a phone call away and if you have got to the point where you have to be induced then baby probably STILL won't be in a hurry even when you've had the prostin!

Take care and hope it all goes smoothly for you.

Like i say my induction was the best experience of my life (although it was hard work and sometimes tiring and upsetting) but SOOOOOO worth it for the high's and pleasures you get from meeting your baby! That far outweighed anything to do with the induction process!

best of luck

theresa x x x

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