Is it or isn't it? TMI Warning


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2010
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Strange question, but how quickly do evap lines show up?

Have had loads of very watery CM (sorry about the info overload) and white bumps appearing on my areola's (not sure of the pulual and my latin isn't up to much any more)

Did a test today, good old ebay cheapies wasn't FMU, but there was a line, very faint but a definite line that appeared after about 3-4 mins (says test takes up to 5 mins)

Am going to test tomorrow with FMU, but just wanted to know if you ladies think I'm getting my hopes up, am 11dpo
Sounds promising.... :)

Good luck tomorrow hun!
Sounds good, hope you get a more obvious line tomorrow x
Definitely sounds promising! I got faint lines at 11dpo on those tests with Toby, and not all with fmu (couldn't stop testing after the first :lol:) Fingers crossed! x
I got the same about 5 faint, so did a CB digital in the end! Cost more but came up 1-2 so I knew for definite :) good luck xx
Sounds like a BFP to me. Good luck xxx
i got my first faint line at 10dpo on a internet cheapie.. :) with my 1st tests a line didnt come up stright away, but after a couple of mins after it had settled for a bit thats when i saw mine.. faint, but there!! and i did one the same night and wasnt fmu and it was there again!! sounds very promising hun! Fx for you x
Hey :wave:

Big congrats hun by the way, am so happy for you :stork:

Do you mind me asking what other symptoms you had if any?

Just an update, got another line, well lines on three tests today!

Kezza, only had two symptoms, bumps on areolas and loads of watery CM, that's it. Although this evening I've needed to wee loads.
Thanks Emma, gives me hope for myself :lol:

Oooooo 3 +ve, how exciting :yay:


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