Is it to early to buy?


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2011
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Me and my oh went to mothercare yesterday just to have a look at what expense we are going to have and as we walked around, I seen that the steriliser I want was down from 50 to 23 and the breast bump from 100 to 50 so I said I can'tleave them there for that price, and we also picked up 2 White outfits as they where in the sale also, I'm 9 weeks and 3 days and was wondering do u think it's to early as haven't had a scan yet! X
I've put a deposit down on my pram. DH bought a baby gym and a few people have bought me wee outfits.
Only u know when it feels right to start buying so I wouldn't worry. And I don't blame u at those prices lol x

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Im not to botherd as know I'm not going to go o er board but ice got people telling me it's unlucky to bring stuff into the home before 12 weeks and stuff like that! X
What a pile of crap!! People said the same to me as I bought my nursery furniture off a friend for a bargain price when I was only 8 weeks, and lots of people got sniffy. My attitude was what will be will be, and me buying stuff will not dictate the stickiness of my bean! At the end of the day, if anything had gone wrong then my mum would have stored it for me or I could just have put it back for sale on ebay or something. With the cost of bringing up a baby nowadays you would be mad not to snap up stuff at that price - in fact I am v jealous so am going to go to Mothercare tomorrow as I don't have a breast pump yet!!! lol
You sound like me ashley, I LOVE a bargin, bf takes the mick, I'm not going near any baby shops coz I know ill be like that and go mad and get loads, I'm gona have scan and then start looking, started saving already tho but if u wana buy now its up to u ye :):) bet its been exciting
I started buying straight away and now have everything we need :) it's a really good feeling knowing you are ready for LO

It's personal choice hun. We couldn't afford to pass up bargains and it actually really helped to get the OH enthusiastic from an early date. The only problem now is getting him out of the bloody toy shops lmao xxxxxxx
tis up to you i guess, im nearly 18 weeks and havent bought a thing til after my 20 week scan a) just in case and b) so i know if its to be pink or blue.

I havent found any particular bargain just yet although am going to look at a cot from family in the week x
its all about preferance

buying stuff will not change the outcome from bad to good or good to bad

people just dont advise it as the risk of mc is high before 12 weeks

me personally ive only ever got a psir of socks or something to hold off the urge till the scan lol

i knew someone who got absolutely everything and lost it at 19 weeks and had to look at it all in the house till she got rid of it.

like i say it wont change an outcomeso its all upto you hun xx
Like many of the others i'm a firm believer in fate, ie you can't change the outcome of something or 'Jinx it'. Therefore you should buy when you're ready, as you'll find that as with most things some people will always be superstitious

You enjoy shopping hun! X
Thank you all well I never knew anything about it until we where out shopping and my sister was with us as she is also pregnant and she said don't buy yet and if u do keep it up mammy's I just laughed it off but when we got home oh asked what if she's right and I started having doubts, :/ but there was no way I was leaving it there at those prices and really wanted the tommy tipee stuff, oh was going to go out after baby was born to get the breast pump as we was holding back because of the price and worried just incase baby didn't take but changed our mind when we seen that it was half price he is worse than me,
You had all your stuff that's organised we have so much to do in the house before even thinking about nursery furniture :( but it will all come together. We already know what pram we want and I can't wait to go and buy it but I'm waiting to read a few more reviews yet just so I know it's worth the money! X

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