Is mothers intuition usually right??


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2007
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Sorry to be having another nag, but I just cant get excited yet.

I have such a feeling that things are not right, I didnt get a proper 12 week scan as i have an emergency scan. At the emergency scan all they checked for was the heartbeat and the baby was right size. Everything then was good. BUt I know at a 12 week scan they check for the heart fully formed, and all the other organs and face?? Have i got this wrong with the 20 week scan?

I just dont want to find out something bad at the 20 week scan that could of been detected already. I have heard alot about Mothers intuition too thats sometimes its right. I am starting to show but im not sure if thats due to over eating and that i have had 2 kids already.

But when i lie down i cant feel nothing :cry: Is it normal to not feel the slightest of bumps yet? The only time i feel a hard bump is first thing in morning when my bladder is full.
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Hi hun, its at the 20 week scan they check the sizes, heart chambers etc. At my 12 weeks scan all they did was take the overall measurement and check for the heartbeat. When's ur next midwife appt?
beth3735 said:
But when i lie down i cant feel nothing :cry: Is it normal to not feel the slightest of bumps yet? The only time i feel a hard bump is first thing in morning when my bladder is full.
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

I can't feel a hard bump except when my bladder's full, the same as you. However, my baby is fine. (We've had both the 12 week scan and I heard the heartbeat last Wednesday). I'm sure you will start feeling things soon, especially as you are on your third child and that will be very reassuring.

Hope you feel better soon, hun.

In 3 weeks, Im so glad that its the next scan they do it.
All i wanted was for my last pregnancy to be relaxing and to make the most of it, All i have done is worry.

I seem to of forgotten everything about pregnancy since my youngest was born :lol:
I know it's easy to worry isn't it. When u have ur next appt u can ask for some reassurance. Ooh and the doppler too.
Is this your first pregnancy? You're only 13 weeks hun, although I had a bump then (its my second pregnancy) i could not really feel any hardness, although now I am further gone I can feel where my baby is.

At my 12 week scan all they did was measure the baby, they go into much more detail at the 20 week scan.

Try not to worry too much. I think most pregnant women worry at some point that something may be wrong, speak to your midwife about your fears.

Its my 4th Pregnancy, but only have 2 children and bump, Lost one early on a while ago. So i know my uterus is very expanded now after all of them lmao

I will get my midwife to hear for heartbeat when i see her at 16 weeks
beth3735 said:
But when i lie down i cant feel nothing :cry: Is it normal to not feel the slightest of bumps yet? The only time i feel a hard bump is first thing in morning when my bladder is full.
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

I was just the same at your stage hun :hug: this is completely normal..some ppl dont show at all...ever 8)
We all worry hun, whether we keep it in the back of our minds or not.. I am feeling much more normal now, no more sickness and my belly even looks less bloaty than before, plus i dont think ive felt baby move yet.. so yeah the worry never ends! But i'm going to ignore it and be positive and just wait for the 20 wk scan now! I'm sure everything will be fine with you too.. :hug:

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