Is the baby mine=?????


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Aug 28, 2008
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Hi I am a bit confused still, Can anyone help?

We just got the ultrasound done.. She was 11 weeks 1 day amenorrhea (without menses) on the 4th July 08. I only met her on the 4th of May 08. We had sex on the 5th.
The date of her last menstruation was 17th April 08. and the probable date of birth is 29th Jan 09. Does this make sense to anyone? I am confused as i count back 9 months from January it means she got pregnant before I met her.(in April?)

It says on her doctor`s account sheet that her `FUM? (last menstruation date ) was 17th April 08. .... Now I wonder would it be possible for her to change this date to a month ahead so as to fool. Would the doctor be fooled? or even know?
i am scared to tell anyone cos if it is not mine i would feel foolish. If it is well i will be surely happy
Hi at first the due sate is calculated from the first day of your last period. I am due on 31st Jan 2009 and my LMP was 29th April. This means that technically i was single and not sleeping with anybody when I was classed as pregnant because me and my OH had split up for a few weeks.

Hope that made sense. From my first scan my conception date was worked out to be 10/11 May
Thanks, .
So from what you're saying you concieved round the same date as she did.... and your conception date was well into May???
it is still confusing, this means that it is mine?
hungryhoss said:
Hi I am a bit confused still, Can anyone help?

We just got the ultrasound done.. She was 11 weeks 1 day amenorrhea (without menses) on the 4th July 08. I only met her on the 4th of May 08. We had sex on the 5th.
The date of her last menstruation was 17th April 08. and the probable date of birth is 29th Jan 09. Does this make sense to anyone? I am confused as i count back 9 months from January it means she got pregnant before I met her.(in April?)

It says on her doctor`s account sheet that her `FUM? (last menstruation date ) was 17th April 08. .... Now I wonder would it be possible for her to change this date to a month ahead so as to fool. Would the doctor be fooled? or even know?
i am scared to tell anyone cos if it is not mine i would feel foolish. If it is well i will be surely happy

Ok basically her scan showing her being 11 weeks + 1 day pregnant means she actually concieved 9 weeks before (2 weeks gets added because usually pregnancy is calculated from the date of last period, but this doesn't work for everyone, but a pregnancy is 40 weeks long, but you are only actually pregnant for 38 try and explain more are actually counted as being 2 weeks pregnant from the date of conception)....So her concieving 9 weeks prior to the 4th July would make conception on or around (give or take a few days because babies grow at different rates in utero) 1st May, so it sounds very much to me like the the pregnancy ties in with the date you had sex.
-Also if she had her last period on the 17th April, women ovulate roughly (depending on the woman) 14 days later, so she would have ovulated around the 2nd May, which again ties in with when you had sex. Not forgetting that women can concieve a few days after having sex as the spem can live around 5 days (sometimes more).
-Even if she did not know her LMP or changed it, it would not matter as the gestational age of the baby is very accurate around the 12 week point. Very often the LMP is disregarded at the dating scan and the size of the baby is used to calculate how old the baby is.
Sounds to me like you are indeed the daddy!

Hope this makes sense!
My last period was also 17th April, my birthday and I am exactly 19 weeks + 1 day pregnant today!

I know the baby was conceived on 5th May the day I ovulated as its the only day we had sex around this time!

Its all a bit weird as looks like your baby was conceived at exactly the same time as ours!!

So yes having sex on the 5th would fit in well with the dates in question.

Im actually due on the 22nd Jan not sure why you were told 29th?
EllieBelle said:
My last period was also 17th April, my birthday and I am exactly 19 weeks + 1 day pregnant today!

I know the baby was conceived on 5th May the day I ovulated as its the only day we had sex around this time!

Its all a bit weird as looks like your baby was conceived at exactly the same time as ours!!

So yes having sex on the 5th would fit in well with the dates in question.

Im actually due on the 22nd Jan not sure why you were told 29th?

I was just about to come on and say about the due date of 29th cuz it seemed about a week off when i worked it out

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