Is this for real? Linespotters please help me


Active Member
Aug 7, 2011
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Hi everyone :wave:

I am new to the forum and would love your opinions on my test.

I took a boots hpt this morning and after 3 mins a very very faint line appeared. I wasn't sure about it as it was so faint, so while out shopping I bought a tesco 2 pack htp.

It was then my 2mu when I came back and did it and at first nothing and then 3 mins and a faint line appeared. It looks darker than the pic but only ever so slightly, I am due AF tomorrow and what made me test is my veins come up quite visibly when i'm pregnant and I've been gagging a lot.

I am slightly nervous about this and feel maybe in denial, I have just been diagnosed with depression, PND (2nd DD is now two) and I have an under active thyroid.

My head is all over the place, sorry everyone I know your all in here excited and waiting to get your bfp so don't want to seem out of order, but I feel really low about it as I don't feel I am a good enough mum for my two girls let alone be there for another little person.

Ive been crying ever since, and I haven't told anyone not even OH.


  • pgtest07.08.11.jpg
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It looks lke a pos to me hun.

Please dont feel down hun, its normal to sometimes feel like ur not a good mum, i feel it sometimes too.

Maybe speak to ur gp? it maybe a touch of depression.

All of us on her are here to help if u need to talk :)

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What i meant to say was that it maybe the depression making you feel this way.

Oh Hun I'm so sorry you feel down about all this. Wish could take the bad feelings away. How does you oh feel? Get a gp appointment and speak to them. They will be able to help you. I hope you start to feel a bit better soon. I know what depression feels like and had a very bad time of it a few years ago. It's hard but you will get through this. Big hugs.xx
Sorry just seen that you haven't told oh yet. Maybe tell him? He is there to support you and together you can work through this.xx
I can see a line :hug: Don't put yourself down hun, I'm sure you're an amazing mum, you aren't giving yourself enough credit, might be worth going to your doctors for a chat :hug: this forum is a great place for support and help when you need it, so when you feel you need to let it out but can't speak to anyone, come in here, we will help you as best we can :hug: Also, the Girlie Room is available when you have been a member a month and have over 100 posts, it's a bit more private in there, I think there is another section where guests can't see anything you write either, good luck and congratulations x
Thank you both very much :hugs:

I am sure that they depression isn't helping, but my goodness I am really shocked about it.

Can't believe I am pregnant.

I will talk to OH about it soon, just need to get my head around it first.

Thank you x
I can see a line :hug: Don't put yourself down hun, I'm sure you're an amazing mum, you aren't giving yourself enough credit, might be worth going to your doctors for a chat :hug: this forum is a great place for support and help when you need it, so when you feel you need to let it out but can't speak to anyone, come in here, we will help you as best we can :hug: Also, the Girlie Room is available when you have been a member a month and have over 100 posts, it's a bit more private in there, I think there is another section where guests can't see anything you write either, good luck and congratulations x

Thank you very much :hugs:

I will be sticking around and you all do seem very supportive already.

Thank you for the encouragement, I really appreciate it x
No problem at all :hug: There is also a depression support thread, I will find it for you and post it in here, although I think it's in the Girlie Room and you need a months membership and 100 posts, but you might find it helpful when you are able to get into it x
Looks like a BFP to me, congrats, hope things work out. xx
Deffo a bfp, I hope you feel happier about it really soon, maybe dr could help xxx
Thank you Cosmicgirl.

Yes I will make an appointment this week to see the doctor. :hugs:
:hug: Hope you feel better soon. I definitely think you should speak to your GP and see what other support is out there for you. You're not alone.

Congrats on your pregnancy.

I found out I was pregnant just over 2 wks ago and I didn't stop crying for days it just wouldn't sink in, now I worry with every little pain that something is up I can't believe how different I feel about it now and guilty for the way I felt at first,
Just give yourself time xxxxx
Ahh congratulations on your news Hun - Hope the docs can let you know how it can work better / more easily for you with depression, i'm sure they have helped many ladies go through this. Good luck with your hubby, I'm sure after you have told him , you will feel the weight shared more and a bit lighter and more excited together. All the ladies on here are lovely and joining here and coming on every evening when kids were in bed was my daily theraphy, best thing I did !!
looks like a BFP. Congrats. Clearly this is a shock for you but getting it off your chest and speakign to someone will make you feel so much better.
Thank you very much everyone for your replies, it's been a great help particularly seeing that others have been through a similar shock!

Still haven't told OH yet, which is awful but I just can't face the realisation at the moment :(

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