Isla Catherine Jones


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2008
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Isla Catherine Jones was born on Sunday 16th November 2008 at 6.20am, weighing in at 7lbs 8.5oz after a long and tiring labour!

The pains started with me on Thursday evening after eating a meal that had loads of chillies in it! They were only mild period type pains, but I was having a few trickles and wondered if it was my waters breaking. I timed the pains which were coming every 5 mins and Dave thought it best if I ring the delivery suite to ask. So I did that and they asked me to come in so they could check. We went in about 11.30pm and I was examined by a lovely MW who said my cervix was still posterior and my waters hadn't broken. Sent me home, but I didn't sleep well when we got home.

Friday still having the pains so in the morning I rang the hospital again and explained. They told me to come in and they'd check me again. I was sent to a triage ward and was strapped up to a monitor. My cervix was examined which was still posterior and was told to go home with some paracetamol. Went home and tried to relax at home and took the paracetamol.

On Saturday I was still in pain, and tired as I didn't sleep a wink that night (another sleepless night). Went back to the triage unit and saw a MW who I burst into tears on coz I was so tired and in pain and didn't know what to do with myself! She examined me and reckoned my cervix was about 2-3cm dilated. She did a sweep and hoped that it would get things moving!
Well, it most certianly did! We went home again and when I got home the pains stepped up a gear. I used my birthing ball and a TENS machine very kindly lent to me from my neighbour which really helped. At about 3.30pm Dave told me to ring the hosp again as I was really in quite a lot of pain and we went back again for the 4th time!!!
At the hospital I was sent to triage again which was busy and I had to queue for a bed. Fortunately, I didn't queue too long and was put on a bed. A MW came to see me and strapped me to the monitor. By this time I was in a lot of pain as baby was lying back to back and my contractions were on top of each other!! My waters finally did break at 4.00pm - thank God I was already at the hospital!! After that I was in so much agony I was begging for an epidural! The triage MW rang the delivery suite and after an hour and a half wait, someone from the delivery suite came to pick me up.

They took me to the delivery suite and put me in a room. I was in so much pain and was screaming for the epidural RIGHT NOW!!!! I was given the G&A which did nothing for me. Eventually the anaesthist came in and was about to set up to give me the epi when she had to attend an emergency. So she was gone for about 30mins. When she came back she set up the epi and put the line into my spine, but when she put the drug down it didn't work!! I was climbing the walls by now. She put another dose in, but nothing happened. She was about to finish for the night, so she asked her colleague to come and have a look. He did so, and had to out a completely new epi line in. He administered the drug, and I was a completely different person when it took effect, which it did almost straight away! I was examined then by the MW who said I was 5cm dilated.

I was left with Dave to wait for my cervix to dilate ready for delivery. As I was running a temperature during labour, I had to be put on Augmentin drips, plus the glucose drips they were feeding into me! My cervix dilated very slowly throughout Saturday night and when it got to 8cm, I had to have a drip to make my contractions faster as they were sparodic. The drip worked and I was fully dilated by 5am. The MW decided that I should start pushing, so at 5.30am I started. I was finding it very hard because of the long labour and the doctor decided that it would be best to deliver by ventouse. He had to perform an episiotomy and used the ventouse to deliver Isla. At 6.20am, Isla was finally born! There were a few concerns with her health as well as mine during labour, as her heart rate dipped significantly when I was pushing. It was even considered that I might have needed a C-section if they couldn't get her out via ventouse. I am so glad that this didn't happen!!!

After the long and painful labour, Isla is soo worth it! And I feel so well after delivery too.
Aww congratulations Ali and welcome to the world Baby Isla. What a lovely name :hug:

:hug: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Blimey, you had a tough time of it but it's amazing what we can go through to get our babies safely delivered into the world.

Congratulations to you and your family :D
Awww hun that was a full on drama hey?! But I know shes well worth it!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
God well done hun sounds like you really went through it !!! Congratulations !!!!! xxx

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