It has started..


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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I’ve started bleeding and clotting now following my missed miscarriage. It almost feels like a huge relief, if that makes sense. The thought that I was still carrying my baby around even though it wasn’t alive was just horrendous. I’m in quite alot of pain though, alot worse than any period pain I’ve ever had. But I feel like I can start moving forward a bit now after a really horrible few days.
oh my i'm so sorry to hear you've suffered a miscarriage, i didn't even know about the other facts to go with it, as i don't get on here all the time :(

:hug: to you hun and try to relax and keep positive. have you been perscribed any pain killers? i had some when i was suffering a miscarriage, forgot what were called though :( (i'm useless!)

i'm not sure if you have to but maybe take a trip to the hospital to get checked out and everything is ok, and they'd be able to give you any pain killers too!

not sure what else i could say but i hope you're ok!!! xxx
Hey love, yes I can understand that it must be a relief. It should't go on for too long, just keep yourself wrapped up warm and look after yourself. Hope the pain subsides soon, take pankillers if you need to.
Thoughts are with you xxx
Oh I am so sorry you have had this happen Lulu,

Please make sure you ask for help or visit A& E if the bleeding won't stop and you can't go 20/30 seconds on the same pad/ towell, or it gets dangerous, (sorry the problem I had).

Thinking of you this week XX JJ
Ria, I haven't been prescribed any painkillers, I'm just on the nurofen at the moment. I was scheduled to go back for a scan on the 17th, because the embryo only measured around 5-6 weeks when I went for my 12-week scan, they told me it could either still be too early to detect a heartbeat, or it stopped growing and died, but I knew it was the latter because I was 100% certain of my dates. So I'm going to call them tomorrow as I guess I may still need the scan in case there is still some tissue left inside me.
JJ my bleeding hasn't been too excessive, just steady like a period, but I'll definitely get checked out if it gets any worse. Thanks everyone xx
Hi hon, Just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you at this difficult time. We're all here if you need us xxxx
thinking of u hun sending lots of love xx
oh ok hunni, again so sorry to hear you are going through this, makes my problems seem meaningless when i read stuff like this! thinking of you and hope you feel better soon. :hug: xxxx
So Sorry hun - know exactly how you feel - i too had missed miscarriage around 6 week 2 days - waited over a week to bleed from being told and started middle of last week and iam continuing to do so

loads of luv and hugs
How are you doing today Lulu ? How is the bleeding now

Sending you a hug X JJ
Bleeding actually seems to have come to a stop, which is weird. I hope it isn't incomplete, as I would really hate to go back to hospital. I'll give it another few days and if I get no more bleeding I'll make an appointment with the doctor. Thanks for asking :) x
Dont know if this helps lulu my bleeding slowed right down on Friday and then started again - never had miscarriage before so maybe it can do that .

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