its not chicken pox? its a viral infection rash!

just got back from the docs i was told its a viral rash. and given antibiotix any one have any idea what this is??

i had the worse time ever, we were waiting in the docs waiting room it was real busy Dior was playing in her pram reading teletubies book the bar at the front of the pram she was leaning on broke Dior fell flat faced on the floor its by far the worst fall she has had the sound it made when she hit the floor was horrid her nose was pooring with blood her head is all cut all her face is swallon and yes i still had to sit there and wait to c the doc i was so upset, i looked down on the floor and i seen a patch of Diors blood it set me of i was crying every one in the surgry was lookin at me gone out.. and all the doc wanted to no was y did she fall out of her pram.... she is fast asleep in bed now and all her nose is swallon i no u shouldnt let them sleep after a fall but she is shatterd? im scared she has broke her nose???
OMG poor Dior!!

I can't believe how you were treated in the doctors :shock:

Awww bless her, I hope she is feeling better soon xx
i still feel so upset its like im in shock, its horrible seeing your child hurt them self so bad, shes had a good few falls like most babies but nothing like today :( poor lil thing has been right in the wars today

look at her sad face... her nose is all cut :( :cry:

Poor Dior, it must be horrible to see her like that Dionne. She's not having a fun time at the moment and neither are you. Hugs to you both xxxx
Aww, bless her little cotton socks. I just want to give you both a big hug! ((((hugs)))))
Oh NO!

I'm sure it'll be fine but I know how you feel (((HUG)))

mason once fell onto the step outside our back door and bashed all his lip up, it poured with blood I thought he'd knocked his teeth out!
His lip swelled up so much he looked like sylvester stallone all wonky-mouthed.

(((HUG))) to Dior!
does any one no what it means, the doc just said its a viral rash???
Im sorry, I dont know what he meant by a viral rash but hopefully it will clear up soon. How sad is that wee nose, she doesnt look too bothered though. Give her a big (((((hug)))). Jess has a wee red nose, she fell at my work and it was rough carpet tiles. Ouch!
yh thats what the flooring was in the docs the cheap rough carpet tiles :(
all yellow puss keeps dribbling from the cut it looks so sore and she keeps rubbing her face and hurting it :( the doc wiped a antiseptic wipe over it :shock: owwwwwww she screamed
Awww poor Dior. You must've been so worried ((((((hugs))))))

How you both feeling today?
hi hun yh were better thanks,
iv just dosed her up with some medicine so she is sleeping it off at the moment..

poor lil angel
*HUG* for Dionne and *HUG* for poor little Dior, the poor little mite, she's so uncomfy looking. Just wanted to pick her up and hug her.

She'll bounce right back hun - a viral rash is just that, a rash that comes with a wee virus she might have picked up. Kids get that kind of thing a lot. Do you have pets? I remember a kid picking up a rash from stroking her family dog once. It's just that sometimes their fur contains things that don't agree with wee sensitive skins. Had you changed her shampoo or baby bath? Though if it was an allergy surely the doctor would have picked that up. Though to be honest hun I think you should change your doctor that one sounds a right pleb.

hi sue, Dior has been very ill with a cold the past 2 weeks so i think it could have been that that set of the rash no i aint changed any thing not washing powder or shampoo and she has had the same body wash since birth rash loks horrid its all lil red pimples all under her skin, i feel so usless seeing her so uncomfortable :(

ah just rememberd it was tues night when i picked Dior up from kris mums after i got back from work that i noticed that rash, and she has a dog!!!!!

iv asked her to not have the dog round Dior anyway :evil:

not that the mother in law ever listens to me

im glad she okay she looks so sad in your pic :(
Hope she gets better soon.

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