IVF round 2

I’m not doing well today. I’ve had a small amount of spotting today, it’s really light just a few drops. It’s kind of orange instead of red it’s that light, but I’m just waiting for AF to show tonight/tomorrow. I’m sad, I couldn’t wait to get home from work. I don’t want to tell OH - it was the worst part of my treatment failing last time.

How are you @MelC2011? Any symptoms?
@CDK500 I’m praying it’s nothing. Do you normally spot before af?

I’m now thinking of testing early, just so I can mentally prepare myself for when we test together - just in case. I’m so scared.
I’ve been cramping all day but in the last hour or so I feel so nauseous.
It could just be the cyclogest though.

Keep us updated xx
Yeh I usually spot the day before. I feel like my head is forcing phantom symptoms.

Excited for you though! When are you thinking of testing?
I’m worried it’s all in my head.
All I can think about is having another baby.

Was thinking tomorrow but I’ll only be 11dpo, so I’m really not sure.

I’m keeping everything crossed for you xx
If you test today let us know! I’m sure people say they can get positives at 11dpo, but if it’s negative it didn’t mean you’re out yet. Good luck!!
How are you both this morning? xx

As suspected I tested negative yesterday morning. We have a review booked with the consultant at the end of the month to see what the next steps could be. I want the truth. We were told in the beginning that our chances were really good, 50-60%..
I'm not going to lie, I'm not sure if I could cope with self funding a cycle and it then failing. A lot to think about. We're going to have a good discussion with hub tonight ( we've had a guest staying with us the whole weekend and we haven't had a chance to talk about the whole thing).

Thank you @MelC2011 for your kind words and support. I keep fingers crossed for you

@CDK500 thank you for your support. It's much appreciated. Keep going and keep positive, I hope you get your positive, keeping everything crossed for you
It’s over for me too. I’ve started bleeding. It’s light but very much there. I really wish I learnt my lesson from last time when AF arrived early and booked the time off work. I really don’t want to be in the office now. I’m going to leave a little early today I think. Just want to go home and have a drink. Need to be strong right now and hold it together, when I get home I can have my meltdown.
It’s over for me too. I’ve started bleeding. It’s light but very much there. I really wish I learnt my lesson from last time when AF arrived early and booked the time off work. I really don’t want to be in the office now. I’m going to leave a little early today I think. Just want to go home and have a drink. Need to be strong right now and hold it together, when I get home I can have my meltdown.
I am so sorry :(
No words will make you feel better but i really hope you and your OH look after eachother. Massive hugs to you, i cant even imagine what you are going through right now xxx
So sorry to hear your news guys, absolutely gutted for you both.

Going through fertility treatment really does take a lot out of you. This is my 3rd time and I’ve really struggled this time around.

Sending so much love and hugs your way xx
It’s over for me too. I’ve started bleeding. It’s light but very much there. I really wish I learnt my lesson from last time when AF arrived early and booked the time off work. I really don’t want to be in the office now. I’m going to leave a little early today I think. Just want to go home and have a drink. Need to be strong right now and hold it together, when I get home I can have my meltdown.
I'm so sorry to hear that :sad: and I can totally sympathise with you, it's difficult to act as if everything's fine.
If it's only a light bleed there still might be a chance it's just hormones playing up rather than game over? I am still hopeful for you @CDK500
Lots of love x
So sorry to hear your news guys, absolutely gutted for you both.

Going through fertility treatment really does take a lot out of you. This is my 3rd time and I’ve really struggled this time around.

Sending so much love and hugs your way xx

Thank you so much for your support @MelC2011 . It is a rocky road and you have been through much more than I have. I really hope 3rd time will be lucky for you. I'm excited for you and keeping my fingers crossed :pray:

Have you told many people about IVF?

I told a few people about my 1st round, then the 2nd time around I only told my boss.
Take care x
I feel like a fucking idiot having to do a pregnancy test when I have full blown AF. I've never felt so low, so alone, so scared for the future. I just want this nightmare to be over with. I don't know if I will do this again, for the time being i'm just giving up. I'm just done with TTC and I hate the person it's turned me into.

Good luck to everyone else, hopefully you'll make it out of this hell.
@CDK500 I’m gutted for you, I truely am.
Unless you’ve been through ivf, no-one knows the true emotional and physical state on the body and mind and can’t relate.

Please give yourself time and remember you’re really not alone. If you ever want to private message I’m happy to chat. Same goes for you @Sweets2018 I really am sending huge hugs your way as I know how hard this is.

Thinking of you xx
I’m so sorry, it really is heartbreaking.

Ttc can put you in some horrible places :(

Take all the time you need to be angry and upset. I hope somehow it can happen for all of struggling some day xx
I feel like a fucking idiot having to do a pregnancy test when I have full blown AF. I've never felt so low, so alone, so scared for the future. I just want this nightmare to be over with. I don't know if I will do this again, for the time being i'm just giving up. I'm just done with TTC and I hate the person it's turned me into.

Good luck to everyone else, hopefully you'll make it out of this hell.

@CDK500 I am so sorry to hear that. Remember you are not alone in this. There are so many of us who are going through the same hopeless feelings that IVF can bring. Just like @MelC2011 said, feel free to message me if you feel like talking. Lots of hugs x
I've tried to make sense of my own feelings. I felt a huge disappointment that after ttc naturally for 3.5 years, 2 rounds of ivf haven't given any results. The drugs are supposed to override any issues that our bodies have... I've heard ppl say that babies choose us.. I'd like to think that a baby will come when it's supposed to come. We'll just have to be patient and wait until they're ready
That offers me comfort and hope.
Sending lots of positivity to everyone xx
@CDK500 I am so sorry to hear that. Remember you are not alone in this. There are so many of us who are going through the same hopeless feelings that IVF can bring. Just like @MelC2011 said, feel free to message me if you feel like talking. Lots of hugs x
I've tried to make sense of my own feelings. I felt a huge disappointment that after ttc naturally for 3.5 years, 2 rounds of ivf haven't given any results. The drugs are supposed to override any issues that our bodies have... I've heard ppl say that babies choose us.. I'd like to think that a baby will come when it's supposed to come. We'll just have to be patient and wait until they're ready
That offers me comfort and hope.
Sending lots of positivity to everyone xx

@Sweets2018 so sorry to hear what happened, lots of hugs dear.:hugs:how was your talk with your hubby? I hope you will get all the answers during consultation. Have a meaningful Christmas dear. We have to focus on all the blessings we do have.

@CDK500 taking a break is a good idea dear. Enjoy the holidays with love and support from your family and friends. Have you thought of seeing a therapist? It might also help. Having someone to talk to face to face who are not emotionally involved in your situation is often good.
CDK500 - I am sorry to know you are going through this, break is a good idea before the final battle. xx

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