IVF Update embryo transfer


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2011
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Hey last update for two weeks.

I have received news this morning that they will be putting two back. Out of the four ferilised two of them were excellent quality. 1 being excellent 4 being poor: egg 1 & 2 at grade 1 and eggs 3 & 4 grade 4.

They advised putting two back improves my chances and I should have no problem carrying as all test results are normal. Our problem lies with the fact we can't get the fertilisation to happen.

The 8 eggs in the Ivf petrie dish did not fertilise and the lab said they could not perform icsi on them once they have been exposed to other sperm. Interesting hey!

My appointment is at 2pm if I get any additional info I'll update this post.

So after all this it's now all up to me to do the work. I will be sending happy waves to my uterus.

Bead, looking forward to hearing about your scan later, thinking of you xx

Louise thanks for the info xx
OMG 2 whole weeks :( The dreaded 2ww :shock:

Congratulations though - it's so exciting! :dance:

Fingers crossed for you - lots of sticky baby dust

And a sticky cake :cake2:

And a dancing bunny for amusement - shake that boody! :bunny:
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Really wishing you all the luck in the world fingers crossed everything goes well xx
All the best and good luck. Hope this is a start to your pregnancy annoucement!?

Sending you hugs xxx
ooooooo good luck hope every thing goes ok and you will be telling us in 2 weeks that you haveyour bfp xxxx
Wishing you all the luck in the world xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Wishing you lots of luck and will be sending positive vibes to your uterus ;)

Hope it all went ok for you hun, hopefully the dreaded 2ww will go quickly for you xxx
Everything went very well today. Two beautiful little embryos were transferred safely. I feel protective of them already :)

I had chance to speak to the doctors again and they are unsure whether my egg is hard to penetrate by sperm or whether the sperm's head doesn't have the required amount of substance to stick to my eggs for fertilisation.

Either way we know our problem now and if this all fails I have a slight comfort knowing it is at least possible to someday have my own children. It's just a matter of when?

So, the TWW lies ahead...

Thank you once again for your kind words and support, what an emotional ride!!
Hey Kerrieanne
Sorry for delayed reply to you asking about the embryo transfer, only just logged back on... you know all about it now though! :)

Scan today went pretty well thanks - 6 follicles, which is 2 more than last time, and good for my age, so feeling positive! They're going to keep me on the stims for at least 2 extra days, so another scan on Monday, then hopefully egg collection on Wednesday.

Congratulations on two quality embies! :) Sending you loads of positive vibes for the next 2 weeks
Wow this is gonna be one hell of a 2ww for you. I'm officially thread stalking and sending you positive baby dust thoughts xxx
wow......amazing :) good luck...have everything crossed for you and those 2 little beans xxxxx
Lots of positive vibes for u hun xxxxxxx
Very best of luck and lots of baby dust! :dust:

wow, what a tww!! i will send positive vibes ur way hunny xx
Good luck! I hope it all goes well for you!
Thank you everyone. I'm actually a little anxious at the moment. I'm keeping positive but i'm also very scared that after all i've been through I will be disappointed once again... I don't know how much more disappointment i can take but i suppose i'll deal with that if that happens.

Bead sorry i hadn't got back to you. My computer at home is playing up and back in the office today. Must say i'm finding it all very hard to keep focused on my work and out of the little day dreams i keep going into.

Been thinking of you. So pleased your scans went well and continue to go well during the course of this week.

All the very best sweetie xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Best of luck hunni, will be thinking of you over the next 2 weeks xxx

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