Jessica Chloe - born 24th sep 10.11am


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2008
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Hi all! :wave:

Well its now been 5 days and im ready to write it all down!
I was booked in for a sweep on 23rd at 10am and 10 days overdue, feeling very anxious as was very scared of induction which was booked for 2 days later if sweep didnt work, lucky for me it did the trick! About 2 hours after sweep started to feel some backache and pelvic pain, was sure it was just going to be a side effect of the sweep but at around 2pm i went for a wee and discovered i was losing my plug! :cheer:

Decided to keep walking around and bouncing on my birthng ball to encourage things along as was scared everything was going to stop!

Throughout the day and evening the contractions started to come more frequently and by 4am the next morning i felt the pain was getting worse with contractions every 3 mins it was time to go hospital so rang my mum to come and look after my daughter and off me and hubby went, getting very excited and nervous now!

Arrived at he hospital and was examined and found to be 4cm dilated :cheer: was very pleased as i knew things were definitely happening now! Was coping with the contractions at this point just by staying calm, closing my eyes and breathing through them, was offered gas and air but decided against it as didnt like the way it made me feel through my first labour. i decided to have an epi as i had one previouly and really felt it kept me alot calmer and worked well for me. Was then examined at 9am where the midwife said i was 6cm but my contractions had become less frequent and irregular so she would break my waters to get them going again. Just as she ws about to do it my waters broke by themselves!

The policy at my maternity unit is to examine every 4 hours so i wasnt due to be examined again until 1pm but an hour later i felt loads of pressure and pain down below and really felt like her head was sitting right there!! i called the midwife back in and she couldnt believe it when she had a look and i was ready to push :D Had gone from 6cm to fully dilated in an hour!! :dance:

The midwife started rushing round the room grabbing what was needed for delivery! i started to push and my gorgeous baby girl arrived 4 minutes of pushing later! Was in complete shock but so happy :D

Jessica was born at 10.11am weighing 7lb13oz and perfect. We were both fine and i only needed 3 stitches so we left the hospital and came home that evening. So nice to be home and her big sister is in love with her. Definitely a very happy experience and ending. xx

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