Jld section

awwwwwwwww. Congratulations chick. Welcome to the premmie gang xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks so much. We are truly blessed ! X
only just seen this!!! congrats jodie she is absolutely gorgeous :) best wishes to you all :hugs: xxx
Wow just seen this! Congratulations, she's absolutely beautiful xx
I'm feeling really positive. The docs are amazed at how well she is doing. And I am recovering just as well. Been on a drip since before the birth so I havent been able to go see her. But I will tomorrow ! I can't wait ! Tried expressing for her today, only got a little but I'm getting there ! Alex is smitten with her ge really is. Thanking me all the time for her. Bless him ! He's going to make an amazing daddy. Just can't wait til tomorrow so that I can go up with him to see her. :)
aww bless him and i bet you cant wait to get to see her xx
So happy for you! How was the section was it scary :/ and baby will be home before u know it! Gota say I adore her name and cnt wait to get home and look at the pics cnt see it on my bb :( xx
Awww Jodie just saw the pic, she's soooo cute!

She is gorgeous. And well done you for all that you went through xx
Congratulations, she's just gorgeous, x
Wow, congratulations honey, so glad you are both doing well. I bet you're so excited for tomorrow and going to see her. She's amazing, can't believe how well she looks despite being so early, you've done amazingly. Lots of love to you all xx
The c section was a bit scary but I've never had an op before and it went really well and everyone in the room did great to relax me and make me as confortable as possible ! I'm recovering really well from it too. I think it's the determination to meet my princess properly in the morning. That and being able to have breakfast in the morning too once my drip finishes ! I haven't eaten in 33 hours ! Starving.
You poor thing!! Have fun seeing your gorgeous girl tomorrow :) x

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