Just a question ??to see if anyone can help me?


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2007
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As many of you know ive been getting extremely faint lines on some of my tests and some of them negative today im going to do a clear blue digital will this show pregnant even if i only havea tiny bit of hcg in urine.

Has anyone else had very very very very faint tests and neg and thendone clear blue digital and its come up pregnant ? thanks xx
Hi Bec07 xx

I did an ebay cheapie test on Saturday that came up neg - then tuesday I did another one and it was positive! I did three more ebays and a clear blue digital and they were all positive!

I would do another one pronto at least you will know for defo!!!

xxx Gud luck and I hope you get the result you want xx
Thank you :hug: And congratulations on your pregnancy hope all goes well xx
You can use them from 4 days before your period is due (i think) so if you are pregnant and your period is late i would have thought it would come up 'pregnant' :hug: hope that helps
Yeah i am 10 days late on myperiod my belly has grown and all the symptons but the other day i done a few tests and theres faint lines but the day after i done just the normal clear blue and it come up negative ??? how confusing
Go. To. The. Doctor.
Bloodtest will tell for sure.
I dont like blood tests i have huge phobia of needles :cry:
lol, to be fair becs- we've said the same thing for the last few days on lots of different threads.

yes, if there is a faint line its a positive result. If its so faint you have to break the test to see it then its probably negative.

If you go to the doctor he will be able to tell you for sure.

Stop wasting money on hpt's and book an appointment! :wink:
Well, unfortunately you'll have to, at one point or another!
Especially because you think yoú may be pregnant... it is the best way to find out.
It's just something I'm afraid we all don't enjoy, but we gotta do anyways.
As Oingo Zoingo says, get to the Dr's - if you are pregnant then this will be the first of MANY blood tests so it will be good practice! They'll probably do a urine test first anyway.

Good luck and keep us posted.
Ive been to the doctors he is useless i went there showed him my tests he said to me ill give you a scan slip so itook the scan slip went to my clinic and they said to me why have you got that we dont do scans here anymore and they said he no way should have given me that until id been to the midwife meeting...
you wouldn't normally get an appointment with the midwife unless u told the doctor you were definately pregnant. If you said you thought you might be he would do a test. Have you got a local drop in health clinic you can go and do a test with a nurse?

Seems silly keep doing a load of tests. Any test done on the smae day will have the same result because the same amount of hormone will be present.
OingoZoingo Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 10:46 am Post subject:


Go. To. The. Doctor.
Bloodtest will tell for sure.

That sounded a bit mean :shock:
ask to see another doctor or change doctors. I had a horrible doctor that didnt know what he was doing and my new one is wonderful. They dont do urine tests any more aparently because home tests are just as accurate. Theyll probably just take blood. Like the others have said youll need a lot more needles if you are pregnant. :hug:
All of your doctors must be really good because i asked my doc for a urine test he said they dont do them anymore :x so im just sitting here confused and dont know what to do ..My doctor told me he doesnt deal with pregnancy the midwife does ..but whats the point in me sitting there for 45 minutes discussing where i want to give birth wen im only 80% sure im pregnant ...im just gonna sit back and watch my belly grow
i don't like needles but I know I'll be screaming for an epidural! x
Yeah i mean i hate needles completely and i wont have one just to find out if im pregnant ..because ill know in time anyway home tests and belly growing...if i have to have one then i would..x im going to change doctors ...because he basicly palmed me off to midwife :wall:
i forgot to ask, did you use your first morning urine on all the tests?

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