Just saw my GP...


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2011
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and asked all my questions about the epilepsy and stuff-she said she'll check my history and pass it on! so now the next thing i have to decide when to tell everyone! Seeing as the letter is going to be sent here and my mum is nosey she will know!

Think i might tell family this friday seeing as my brother-in-law is having a bbq for his birthday and i wont be drinking again they're gonna start to get suspicious!

Ah-i'm a bit scared!
You'll be fine hun, lol its hard to think of the right words at first, but once you get going, its fine :) x
Good Luck x
lol i think i shocked my parents cos my dad was going on asking what id come round for this time and if i wanted something and i just said ' actually no, i dont want anything i came to tell you im pregnant' in quite a snappy way lol
Well done!!!

You did better than me put it that way lol x

i'm going to do it today i think! Just like pulling off a plaster-quickly! :) Will let you know how it goes!
Just told my sister who is very excited (as she has been wanting cousins for her babies for a while) i wanted her advice on how to tell mum well she said just do it! Mum isn't scary and is completely supportive! But she said i should tell dad and not let mum do it-because its better if it comes from me! will keep you all updated!
So told my mum last night she is very happy for me and said that i was a loser to be nervous! as she isn't scary! :) haha now thats one thing off m mind! :) Thanks for all your support girlies! :)
aww, so glad it went well :D Im terrified of telling my parents, doing it next week if I can work up the courage! x
i was just reading your post! Just do it--its hard (but i don't tink it gets easier as you get older) If your mum is anything like mine then she may have a feeling already! You just have to say it and thats it then done! :)

aww, so glad it went well :D Im terrified of telling my parents, doing it next week if I can work up the courage! x
I didnt want to tell anyone till TRI2 now im dying to, If I get my early scann and everythings ok and bean is still there im telling everyone :) if i can convince DH to let me lol
lol i ended up phoning my dad and saying 'errr we need to talk, won't know more until wednesday(had a doc's appointment) and i'll see you then', he pretty much guessed straight away it was either i was pregnant or engaged! Once you actually say the words to someone it's so much easier to say it lol, after i'd told all i had too (involved driving around to various houses!) i just kept saying to myself and smiling 'i'm pregnant' it's so lovely to have everyone know and the smile on your face because of your bean :D x

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