just to let you all know...

I'm going to take a crystal, a little outfit we bought for ivy and the very special hat n booties that Mrsmc made for her into the forest and bury it with a wee ceremony. I'm so pleased that we have something that was made specially for ivy and will be a little connection to 'the tri 2 bunch'. Will add some photos if I'm not minging people out... I don't want to make you lovely pregnant ones feel sad or rubbish. It doesn't need to be like that, I am so happy for all of you x
You are being so very strong, it's admirable and humbling for the rest of us :hug: x
You amaze me BB, Ivy could not have had a better mum. I'll look forward to seeing you around and I'll always want to know whats going in with you. All my love xxx.
I'm going to take a crystal, a little outfit we bought for ivy and the very special hat n booties that Mrsmc made for her into the forest and bury it with a wee ceremony. I'm so pleased that we have something that was made specially for ivy and will be a little connection to 'the tri 2 bunch'. Will add some photos if I'm not minging people out... I don't want to make you lovely pregnant ones feel sad or rubbish. It doesn't need to be like that, I am so happy for all of you x

Fi I am crying my eyes out I feel so honoured! Ivy-mae RIP u beautiful angel x

That sounds really beautiful, If you let me know the day i will light a little candle for her,
Your not making me feel sad or rubbish don't be silly, i feel sad and sorry your going through this but more in admiration of how strong you are x
I'm going to take a crystal, a little outfit we bought for ivy and the very special hat n booties that Mrsmc made for her into the forest and bury it with a wee ceremony. I'm so pleased that we have something that was made specially for ivy and will be a little connection to 'the tri 2 bunch'. Will add some photos if I'm not minging people out... I don't want to make you lovely pregnant ones feel sad or rubbish. It doesn't need to be like that, I am so happy for all of you x

That sounds so beautiful and I'd love to see photos.
Of course you wouldn't be minging people out, that's absurd! Ivy is one of the tri2 baby's, and like all the baby's in the tri2 section, she's very much loved even if we don't all know each other in real life.

We're all so sad that you're going through this, it doesn't seem right at all. It's just heartbreaking to see you go through this. You're an inspiration for being so strong :hug:

I have said a little prayer for Ivy and your family xxx
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Aww thanks all, I will let you all know the day and the time, I think it will be tomorrow at sunset but I need to check how I am feeling x
Oh my, having read this whole thread I am left astounded by your devastating news but also by your amazing attitude and bravery. What a truly outstanding woman you are, your family are blessed to have a lady like you in their lives.

Ivy-Mae was so lucky to have spent time growing inside of you.I wish you and your family strength, peace and comfort at such a time of devastation and loss.

Take care of each other sweetheart xxxx
you are an inspiration and little Ivy will look over you forever now and will be so proud that you are her Mum xx
I'd be honoured to see photos! Good luck with the ceremony really hope your ok lovely! Xx

omg im so sorry bigbump, i cant begin to understand how you are feeling but from what i have read you are a truley inspirational woman sending you all my love xxxx
So sorry to hear your sad news. Take good care of yourself xxx
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Fi you are incredible, think the ceremony will be beautiful and we wouldn't be minged out by pictures of the beautiful angel ivy mae. I really hope ur ok babe x thinking of u x
Honey I am soo amazed by your strength and dignity at this time. You are a inspiration to us all. Ivy's ceremony sounds amazing and such a wonderful tribute. She would be so proud of her brave mummy. I would be honored to see the photos if you want to share them with us. xxxxxxxx
:hug: You're being amazing, so so sad to hear this news, i'm so upset for you.
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Aww read this thread out to my mum and she's so happy I have such lovely support on here... The ceremony will be tomorrow at sunset and I will take some photos to show. Of the place we have it and the bulbs we plant :) I have also asked a friend of mine to do me a tattoo of a dragonfly to mark her passing.

Peace be with you angel Ryan x x x
Aww read this thread out to my mum and she's so happy I have such lovely support on here... The ceremony will be tomorrow at sunset and I will take some photos to show. Of the place we have it and the bulbs we plant :) I have also asked a friend of mine to do me a tattoo of a dragonfly to mark her passing.

Peace be with you angel Ryan x x x

Hope it all goes beautifully for you hunnie xxxxxxx
The tattoo sounds like such a lovely way of remembering her! X in my prayers babe. X

I would be honoured to see photos. U r truly an inspiration to us all and Ivy is one lucky little girl xx
Your amazing Hun :hugs:

You and your little boy will have a guardian angel in ivy mae (a spiritualist told my bro his younger brother was watching over him, he passed in similar circumstances )

Thoughts and prayers with you x x x
:hugs: so sorry to hear about your loss. Stay strong, and I hope your ceremony is beautiful. Thinking of you x

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