labour envy?

little momma

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2008
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hi mummies
im just wondering if anyone else feels like they're about to explode with jealousy when other people are having babies...
for example...
im talking to my boyfriend on msn while he's at work (naughty lol), and he's just told me that his friend has had to leave work because his wifes waters have broken... and i am SO jealous.
i feel genuinly pissed off that she's in labour and i'm not even pregnant.
which is ridiculous because i'm the luckiest mummy ever and my daughter is so perfect. like dont get me wrong i'm not jealous because i want a new born not my wonderful amazing beautiful little girl. I'm just jealous of the actual labour.
which is made even more stupid by the fact that labour and giving birth really messed me up and like, i still have nightmares about it 6 months on and sometimes the horidness of it is like all i can think about and also all the other stuff like the fact that my daughters dad took ages to get there and stuff...
why am i such a jealous cow about someone else (who i dont even know) being in labour? and its not just her, one of my best friends is pregnant and i get really funny about her having a bump and me not but especially the fact that she will give birth and i wont.
is there anyone else that feels like this? or am i just a wierdo...
i think labour and giving birth really messed with my head.
oh dear. i'm a fruitcake arnt i? and really horrible as well, this poor woman who i've never met is in pain and i'm sitting at home with my lovely daughter being pissed off and jealous at her.
:hug: :hug: I felt like this for a while after I had James. It wore off though :lol: still took a couple of months. Id soooooooo want to be having a baby. I loved labour even though it was pretty horrendous. I used to think of it like this: No-one can blame you for wanting to relive the best day of your life again can they? :hug: :hug: When your bump goes, its like loosing a friend. An amazing experience comes to an end and it takes a while to get used to that - even with a gorgeous baby sitting there its not easy. Dont worry chick you certainly arent a fruit :hug: :hug: :hug:
ah thanks... its nice to hear i'm not going insane...
and you're right... it was the best day of my life, despite being also really hard and scary.
I think it's mother natures way having us feel like this. It means that we keep reproducing " All Aboard the pain train.........." It's an addictive kind of pain like getting a tattoo :wink: .

Kim x x x x
ooh what meggiewoo said makes sense! i think pregnancy IS addictive and as the labour and giving birth is the climax of the pregnancy story then its addictive too!

i felt this envy of pg women and broodiness after i gave birth but it was always "in the background" i wasnt consumed by it so did not ttc. however, the second time i was pregnant and i lost the baby early on, i was instantly FREAKISHLY broody! even tho the pregnancy wasnt planned and before i'd been like :talkhand: :talkhand: :talkhand: "no more babies just now, thanks!" but the pg envy / broodiness this time has consumed me and now i wanna ttc!!!

its very strange that obviously i didnt enjoy labour and it was hellish, strangely now i would LOVE to do it again! LOL i shall rue those words no doubt :lol:
I'm starting to feel like this! I dreaded the idea of more kids, but i've decided i really want another. I really miss pregnancy. Even labour was just wonderful and for me it was easy.
I've decided i am gonna ttc when Angel is 1, 4 months away. Just means talking OH round.
My sister gave birth 10 days after me and I have total labour envy!

I had gestational diabetes and so got induced, laboured for a day and ended up having a c-section, was in hospital for 5 days and had such a rubbish experience while I was there. She went into labour spontaniously at home and had a home water birth which lasted about 5 hours and pushed the baby out in like, 2 pushes. When I heard about it I was totally bummed out that my experience was rubbish. My labour wasn't awful but the 'care' we got afterward was really poor and I was jealous that she got to give birth in her house, be left alone and just sounds like a wonderful experience.

So no - I don't think you're alone! I just keep thinking that there is always next time! :)
I feel like this :shock: , thought I was odd, glad I'm not the only one :lol: . I instantly wanted to do it again. Mine was quick and I felt a bit robbed that I never got the build up as I arrived at hospital ready to push after only a few hours of labour and she was a week early. I felt very guilty like I didn't want her or something but that wasn't the case. I'm not ttc yet but can't wait until we do again which will be next Xmas. Hated being pregnant though, just want to do the labour part again.
I had this after Lovella was born which is funny considering at the time id have rather had my head sawed off..

But the whole experience is so empowering,emotional and amazing. You get attatched to the enviroment and the people that were involved i guess. I missed the hospital afterwards, even tho i was treated like crap there and the staff were awful!

Iv got labour envy badly atm as it goes :D Wont be long til im regretting that sentence no doubt..
Even thou labour was hard it was the best day of my life and id love to go back and do it again (am i really saying that :lol: )

Its just wonderful :)
Everything seemed to go wrong with my labour and I still feel desperate to give it another go to try & do it "properly"!! I want a 'normal' labour to see how it's supposed to feel instead of things going wrong so I understand! When my Mum's friend had her baby and the labour went perfectly without a hitch I felt insanely jealous lol.

I had a lovely labour with George.... would do it again and again if I could!!
Sometimes at night when I can't sleep, I go through the labour stage by stage in my head... would love to relive that feeling of when he was born, Oh and when he crowned!!! I felt as though I was the only person in the world to have ever given birth! I was so proud of myself!!!
FRUITCAKE I know!!!!! :oops: :oops:
dannii87 said:
Everything seemed to go wrong with my labour and I still feel desperate to give it another go to try & do it "properly"!! I want a 'normal' labour to see how it's supposed to feel instead of things going wrong so I understand! When my Mum's friend had her baby and the labour went perfectly without a hitch I felt insanely jealous lol.


I get what you mean.

I hate that 'normal' thing. It's hard to hear people talk about how they had the baby 'naturally' as if there is something wrong and unatural about having a section. One of the problems with having a baby at the same time as my SIL is that we'll always be compared and am sick of hearing how she had a 'normal', 'natural' labour.

I know it's my hang ups but I find some of the language people use quite hurtfull.
Ive only had one officail labour and that was with my second, my first and my third were both emergengcy c sections which i was knocked out for, dosent help that the register said my next baby would have to be born by c section as ive had two now and im upset about that, not that im already planning my 4th yet, (think it will take a while to get my head all round this pregnancy first) but im only 25 and I might want some more babies when im alot older. I have labour envy.

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