Labour signs?


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2010
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Hey ladies

Just wondered if you'd share your experiences of labour starting and how you knew thats what it was!

I know there are a number of signs to look out for but wondered if everyone got everything or do you just get some?

Be interested to hear some real experiences if you're happy to tell... :)
Very very clear discharge watery but not water just loads of it!! Then contractions started and I leaked water about 30ish hours before hand
I had loads of snotty discharge the day before, I'd been having braxton hicks for weeks. I had period cramps as well the day before. That night my waters went, followed shortly by my plug then Isla was born by emergency section :(

I'd been drinking raspberry leaf tea for a few weeks and bouncing on my ball

Hth xx
Oh year the night before this happened I just couldn't get comfortable thought chloé was laying funny and just felt fed up and wanted to go to bed x
Wat did your contractions feel like when they started? Were they really painful from the beginning or do they start off like uncomfortble b.hicks?

Been on the rlt for about 2 weeks, bouncing lots, and have had runny bum (sorry tmi) period pain and irregular, uncomfortable b.hicks all day. But havent had a show, noticed increased discharge or anything so wondering if this could be a slow start?
mine started like very strong bh, gradually getting stronger and more painful like really severe period pains whilst being squeezed really hard!
I was in hospital and was having very severe period pain type things. I couldn't talk through them. Was examined and told I was 7cm! Got a little worse but had Emily an hour later :) x

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Gosh Erin, sounds like you did really well! Hope I can get through it like you did!!
Cor Erin, wish my labour had gone like that!
I started off with what felt like trapped wind mixed with period pains. It's like everyone says though, you definitely 'just know' when it's proper labour!
Mine started with a feeling of Chloe being really large hard and uncomfy then in the morning when the contractions on and off started they were really painful from the get go but I had been in slow labour for 5 weeks because I fell over earlier in the pregnancy around 35 weeks (can't remember exactly) so I think that's why try were strong from the start they then got closer and longer x
I had a clear out .. couldnt stop throwing up and pooping lol . then bh's that got stronger and snotty discharge
I was at the hospital twice a week to get scanned due to my own health probs. Then, 1 week before I was due They done a scan, all fine but during the ECG they couldn't trace her heart beat so I got rushed straight up to be induced. They still couldn't trace her heart beat and prepared me for section, at the last min her heart started again, and she came out totally perfect! :)
my waters went first, then 1 and a half days later contractions started. started off very mild ( wasn't so much pain just really uncomfortable) then the pain arrived.
I was at the hospital twice a week to get scanned due to my own health probs. Then, 1 week before I was due They done a scan, all fine but during the ECG they couldn't trace her heart beat so I got rushed straight up to be induced. They still couldn't trace her heart beat and prepared me for section, at the last min her heart started again, and she came out totally perfect! :)

Oh my gosh, how scary... Glad lil one was ok in the end, you must have been petrified :shock:

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