Ladies due in November (like me)

lea m

Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2008
Reaction score
Do you realise we can now say
"Im due next month!" ?? ;) heehee YAY :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
wow hun!!

not long left at all! 8 weeks, that really will shoot by! :dance:

I have found the last month has just flown by - well to be honest since about 20 weeks!!
Thanks hun!! I went through a stage where it went fast but now its slown down again! But probably a good thing hee hee I still have things too do and decide! (like pain relief hahaha)
oh god Lord, don't mention pain relief or labour to me!! hahaha. I am still in a delusional state about the last part of this pregnancy malarky.

in my head it goes something like....
pregnancy, pregnancy, cramps, tiredness, the usual... a few contractions... then just a little blur... THEN
holding the little one :cheer: :cheer:

oh I am in for such a shock :rotfl: :rotfl:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: LMAO
Thats a great way of looking at it hun!! heehee
I think Im going to go with an epi this time! Never had one before so may as well try something new lmao!
how the hell have you survived so far?

I am going for all the drugs they can offer me, the more the better :lol:
i thought this too this morning hehe..

i'm due next month too wahhooo.. xxx
haha, i never thought of that! that makes it sound soooo close!
I know its so exciting isnt it heehee :cheer:
Gosh that's true. Didn't realise that either. Can't wait to start saying that now 'I'm due next month girls' :cheer: :cheer: even though my due date is 29th and i have a feelin missy will wanna stay in a little longer. but oh well.

The delivery part is a bit of a blur to me too. dont know what 2 do about that though
lol i know! ppl have been asking when i;m due to which i say november, feeling like that's ages away then stopping to realise we were at the end of Sept so not really that far at all!

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