Ladies? Scan question

lea m

Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2008
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I was just wondering, for your 20 week scan, did you have to drink before?
My scan department has told me to make sure I have an EMPTY bladder!
But I have read often on here that a lot of you had/have to have some fluid in your bladder?!
I just wondered if its just my hospital that wants me empty lol! :?
My hospital said to drink a pint of water an hour before my 20 week scan. Did that and I was absolutely bursting by the time I went in! Half way through the scan, they told me to go to the loo to see if baby would move position to get to see the spine. What a relief!
So do you think its odd that they want me with an empty bladder? I cant really remember what I had to do with the others! I know I didnt have to drink as much as at the 12 week scan but cant remember if I had to have an empty bladder then or not?
hun i think it depends on how up to date the scanning machines are xxxx
Empty for me too hun, would have died if I had had to have kept a partially full bladder as LO did some right bouncing on it at that stage :D
Thanks ladies!!
Yeh I didnt think of the scanning machines! :oops: Silly me! haha
I had to have a full bladder for mine & it was a nightmare!! She was pushing so hard on my belly, Im surprised I didnt wet myself!! Never heard of having an empty bladder before.
You know Im going to get in the loft tomorrow and see what I had to do with the others? haha

Not that Im complaining though! The thought of another full bladder scan scares me!! hee hee
i went for my 20 week scan tuesday .... it was at 11.30 so all morning i was drinking loads, n on way to hosp with me bottle of water, by time we got to hospital i was die-ing 4 a number 2 (sorrrrry lol) so of course had to go... was funny coz i was trying not 2 pee, but just didnt happen lol

when i went in the room i told the lady ild just been loo, she said oh it doesnt matter coz your slim... for larger ladies they need a full bladder... not sure why but thats what she said. :lol:

enjoy your scan hun x x x x
My hospital has said EMPTY bladder for me for both the 12 weeks scan and the 20 week scan but my friend was told FULL and we go to the same hospital! :think:

Who knows what they need from us! :shakehead:
Hey Lea,

I was told I did not have to have a full bladder before mine, I peed about 40 mins before my scan but had another pint of water so had some fluid in my bladder during the scan which the Sonographer said can actually make it easier to see.

I wouldn't worry too much, or take yourself to bursting point as they need to press quite hard at times to see!! I only had a small bit in my bladder and the squidging made me need to wee, as well as LO kicking my bladder during the whole scan....

It was obviously too much for LO during my 20 week scan as she peed in me whilst the sonographer was examining her kidneys!! :rotfl: :rotfl:

Good luck with the scan and seeing your little bubba again!!

C xxx
I had a scan last year for health reasons on my womb and overies and they wanted a full bladder, it was a nightmare they let me leave half way through to go loo cause thought I was going to wet myself, when I came back she said ah thats actually beter I can see more now that was the fullest bladder ive ever seen! :rotfl:

For all my scans with this pregnancy (have had 5 in total :shock: ) they said not to come with a full bladder on letter but at 20 week scan she wasnt in right possition to see much, had to come back and at next one she hadnt moved so they told me to try filling my bladder as full as I could as it might push her out of my pelvis when she was happily nestled so they could see her properly, 2 liters of water later and the full bladder and tipping me upside down did the trick and she came out the sonographer did all checks she thought she had to and let me go loo but when I got back she had missed something she tried again and with my bladder no longer full baby had nestled back down in my pelvis so had to come back again and was told this time to come with a full bladder!

Totally off subject really but with me drinking so much and having such a full bladder whilst sonographer was doing scan she said she could see babies bladder filling up I thought that was so cute! :lol:
I had mine done today and noone said anything about whether it should be full or not. It all went well though apart from baby keep covering its face whenever they tried to look at it!

Claire x
Thanks everybody! :hug:
I guess it must just be down to each sonographer maybe etc also so Im not too worried now! I think I will have something in there maybe as I know he is quite low down so he might need a puch off my bladder haha
I dont go for another 11 days yet but Im so excited!
Cleo that is ace that he could see her weeing! And Penstraze same with seeing the bladder filling up!! :D
Some sonographers ask for a full bladder as A) they use it as a sort of window to look around and B) if your bladder is full it moves your womb up, making it easier to see in early scans. (although if it's too full your baby ends up all squashed and they can't see anything)

It all depends on the sonographer... Some like it full and some don't, it's as simple as that so don't worry

H x x
i had empty bladders with both 20 weeks scans with my 2 even when i had a detailed scan (i have a heart problem so any children i have have to have detailed scans to make sure they don't have a heart problem which luckkily my 2 didn't have)

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