Large baby


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2008
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Hi, wondering if I could get some information from people expecting large babies. I saw a new midwife yesterday who has now informed me that I am being estimated to have a ten pound baby. As this is my first baby should they look at inducing me early. I wish she hadn't told me as I am now worried and having trouble sleeping. Also every other midwife has put her in a breech position this new one has said she is not. I don't feel like she has moved and her kicks still feel in the same place. Any advice would be great.
They need to send you for growth and presentation scan. Which still is not an exact science.

I was measuring I had a scan. It showed that the baby is big and I have a large liquor volume. If they had just gone on fundal height, they could have scared me too with how big this baby may be.

I was to be induced this week, but I turned it down. I think this baby will be big....But hopefully I can handle it....The scans can be 25% out. Fundal heigh can be even worse.

So, please do not worry overly yet. I worried at first....But there is not a lot of need to :hug: :hug: :hug:
I gave birth to a almost 10lber (9lb 15ozs to be exact) naturally a few days past my due date. I was told baby would be on the larger side but didn't worry. Plus I had a homebrith :) I felt confident I would be fine giving birth. Larger babies are apparently easier to push out than smaller ones apparently :lol: I certianly never had a problem delivering and while I did tear, it was clean and healed well. I stood and squatted to push LO out and working with gravity really made it easier. My birth story in linked in my sig if you want a read.

You'll get growth and presentation scans but remember even growth scans have a wide margin of error either way. Baby still has time to turn also to deliver naturally if in breech postion atm.

There is no real need to induced early (medical problems aside) for a larger baby (or induced at all tbh, far less stressful for baby to arrive in own time than being evicted before your body is ready). Unless you have a tiny frame or very narrow hips you should be just fine. If you are small then discuss with the doctor after your growth scan. But otherwise don't worry overly I'd say. Our bodies generally have us deliver babies that are in keeping with our size etc.
Thanks for the replies, I know I shouldn't worry but my midwife seems a little useless at the best of times. Last time I mentioned a growth scan she said that unless there is a huge change in growth pattern she won't send me for one. I am only 5 foot 2 and normally a size 12 but fingers crossed everything will be fine.
i am 5ft 4 and had a 10lb 7.5oz baby and to be honest he was easier to deliver than my first baby who was 7lb 15oz. i had a growth scan at 38wks as i was measuring 42. they said he was 8lb 5 and not big enough to induce! so i went 10 days over and was induced anyway lol.
i can't believe some of you girls have delivered 10 pounders ish and said bit was easier,i had a tough time both my boys 7.7 half and 7.6 half i can't imagine what it would be like any bigger

well done girls

although kellyandbump i wouldn't worry if they think you need to do anything or be induced they will let you know what is best.

bobs xxxxx
yesterday i had a midwife appointemt and she told me that baby is big ( my first was nine pounds two ) and that she is breech. im gonna have a scan and if baby does not turn even with help they ll give me a c section
I had a growth scan 2 weeks ago after coming up 5cms too big on my fundal height. I am carrying a biggish baby, was estimated to be between 9.5 and 10lb at term, but they are perfectly happy for me to deliver that naturally without intervention. My first was almost 9lb and delivered him with no problems so I guess Im just destined to carry big babies.

As for inducing you early, they are highly unlikely to do this with a first baby, unless there is concern for the baby. It will just make it harder on you, and prob lead to a long, drawn out labour that wont necessarily be successful. My baby is also breech at the moment, but Im not overly worried about it yet, still plenty of time to turn. They will obviously keep an eye on this and if baby is still upside down at about 38 weeks or so, then they may do a bit more investigation and discuss what to do, but until that stage there is still time for baby to turn. Some just go later than others.

Dont worry hun, it will all be fine, Im sure x
I sometimes wonder if these middys could say we were having a marrow they would, i try to take what is said with a pinch of salt tbh...

I was measuring big at 23 weeks i was measuring 26, 25 measuring 29, im 29 now so who knows what im measuring, oh they sent me for a GTT which was negative aswell...

i guess what m trying to say is thier not always right, the baby might be big, or might be an average size, i personally dont think they can tell until they pop out judging by the threads on here...


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