Left Oh

Well done! I was on my own from 21 weeks with my last pregnancy. I am living proof it can be done and you learn to cope. Yes, it can be hard sometimes especially when you see other pregnant women with their other halfs, but I found the strength from somewhere and lived to tell the tale. Now the proud mum of an 11 week old baby boy and it can be hard having to do everything on your own, but it gets easier when you get baby into a routine, and if you have people to support you. :hug: :hug: :hug:

Just noticed, you are in Warrington, so am I! Gonna drop you a pm with my msn addy if you fancy a chat?

Sarah xx
Toxic_Angel said:
Yeah i broke up with him, basicly because i think he's not being very responsible where situations are concerned. Few weeks ago i had a knife pulled out at me while i was walking to the shop, luckily an old man an his dog scared him away an he ran off. An since then i've been abit weird by going shop by myself, An past 5 times i've been to the shops i had asked him to come with me but he had said no therefore i went by myself. But i know my area well an i know the people (where i got jumped was in a different area)
And it's like whenever i talk about the baby he doesnt seem interested at all, or speak about her or anything an to me its quite upsetting cuz i wana talk about her all the time. An i guess it just gets to me, he won't get a job either so yesterday i basicly said to him i don't want to know him until he sorts himself out an be more responsible, am i wrong for doing that?

Nope you are doing the right thing, personally he should be protecting you from everything, your carrrying his little baby girl. and thats something to be happy about,
i was the same i always wanted to talk about Jay luckily dave wasnt too bad with all that, but like, hunni you need to be happy and he needs to sort himself out. like you said
concentrate on you and your little girl cos thats all that matters. :hug:

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