Linea Nigra - boy or girl?


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2006
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Just wondering... I had a linea nigra last time and obviously had a boy, this time I haven't got one at all...

Did you get a linea nigra and what sex baby did you have? I've done the poll so that people with more than 1 child can vote for each pregnancy :D
I didn't have a line and had a girl, still nothing this time either but will find out in 9 days what this LO is (hopefully)!
last time i had a line and aboy, this time no line but it somes quite late
Had a line, didnt show till late in pregnancy and i had a girl :)
Really obvious line and a boy.

I had a line last time and baby was a girl. I've got a line again this time but am team green so who knows!
I was told that if the line joins up in line above and below your belly button its a boy. If the line is off the the side either above or below then its a girl.

Mine goes straight to my belly button and then off to the side below it, so shoud be a girl if you believe this. Will let you know when LO arives.
I didn't get one for both my pregnancies and had boys :D
I had a very dark, long obvious line when I carried my son but with my daughter I only got a very small faint line in the last couple of weeks x
I didn't have one and I had a girl.....

I thought it was more to do with your own colouring though rather than the sex of the baby??? :think:
i had a very faint line and a girl, one of my girl friends had a dark line like black marker on hers and she had a boy.
I had a dark line with Seren and a faint line with Cally
Had a no line with Tia... had a girl... had (and still have) a line with lil miss.. and its another girl :D
ive got one from middle of sternum to my bits, a straight dark line - i'm having a boy
I had no line with Nathan and a very faint one with Kieran :)
with DS had none but barely had a bump either
with DD I had a huuuuge bump and very dark line from sternum down to lady garden :D in a very straight line right down my middle.

:think: I thought it was to so with how your skin had stretched
I have never had one and have had 2 boys and (having) 2 girls!

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