Lol, BNP list leaked online

Jade&Evie said:
but if you want to find true hypocrites and bigots look bo further than the church- they have been doing it for 1000s of years! :?

:roll: the church are following their religion/bible/scriptures etc, are the bnp?

eta - i'm not saying that it's right to be homeophobic etc with that statement, just pointing out thats it's a stupid comparison to make.
Jade&Evie said:
I hope noone gets attacked by vigilantes over this- people are entitled to their opinion and whil;st the BNP is a minority its not a major concern really IMHO- there is, and always will be bigots- but if you want to find true hypocrites and bigots look bo further than the church- they have been doing it for 1000s of years! :?
sarafet said:
Jade&Evie said:
but if you want to find true hypocrites and bigots look bo further than the church- they have been doing it for 1000s of years! :?

:roll: the church are following their religion/bible/scriptures etc, are the bnp?

eta - i'm not saying that it's right to be homeophobic etc with that statement, just pointing out thats it's a stupid comparison to make.

I agree with sarafet with the Church comparison.

I'm not saying this to offend anyone in anyway whatsoever but i think there is a bit difference being a member of a party than to just voting for them iykwim ie. I think you take it more seriously and you have to actively look to join the party. Sorry i'm not very eloquent.
I'm also thinking that not everyone has joined the party knowing 100% what they stand for ,the BNP seem to really focus on certain issues depending on the area and really push them.
By saying this I hope i do not come across as supporting them whatsoever.

I also really hope there hasn't been any vigilante attacks etc and do not think kids should be allowed to be join and put on the list.
Steelgoddess said:
Tasha20 said:
Cant stand the bnp, disgusting pigs.

And this "immigrants taking all our jobs" CRAP! does my head in, if the lazy british chavs (not just chavs :wink: ) got off there arses in the first place then we would'nt need immigrants to do the frigging jobs!

:clap: :clap:
thats a load of rubbish my husband is a builder and is being pushed out by polish builders and its not because he and lots of people we know dont want to work hard, there was a program on tv about builders in sheffiled a few weeks ago and the bosses said that they will only employ foreign labour because they are cheeper and dont expect the same working conditions
sarafet said:
Jade&Evie said:
but if you want to find true hypocrites and bigots look bo further than the church- they have been doing it for 1000s of years! :?

the church are following their religion/bible/scriptures etc, are the bnp?

eta - i'm not saying that it's right to be homeophobic etc with that statement, just pointing out thats it's a stupid comparison to make.

:? please dont :roll: at me... everyone is entitled to an opinion.

A lot of people vote for the BNP because they are fed up with the way things are at the moment. Its not that people don want to work- it's, as Mary pointed out, the immigrant workers will work for less money and in poorer conditions. Fair enough, some of the members may be more extreme but you get that in ANY political party.

I expect if there was an annomynous poll on here where people didnt have to put their neck on the line you'd find that a lot of people that support the ideals of the BNP. :?
the majority of BNP supporters are extreme.. then there is the minority of the party. The ones who join up just because they are sick of immigration without actually reading policies and understanding them properly. So we have the racist bigots and the ignorant all rolled into one party. I think I might set up a poll though to see if you right :wink:
moss said:
Wow, four pages appeared while I was away! I haven't read them all, but from their charter:

"We will end the practice of politically correct indoctrination in all its guises..."

I do think that some political corectness has gone to far, but this isn't what they are talking about. They are talking about accepting different ethnicities and religions as legitimately existing in the UK. This country needs immigrants. Look at somewhere like North Korea. There are very few ethnic minorities there. Immigration and emmigration are all but banned, though some manage to escape. If immigrants were banned here, then the government would eventually also have to ban emmigration. That's right, you would not be allowed to leave the country. Your precious holidays to Spain? Finished. You know why? Because the only reason the population isn't declining rapidly is because people ARE allowed to come and go.

All of this scaremongering about this being a tiny island with no room for immigrants is rubbish. So called "indigenous Britons" leave to live in other countries all of the time. They are replaced with people coming here. The fact that Britain accepts the most refugees of any European country is a complete myth. In fact, there are many countries that accept far more. Besides, what is wrong with accepting refugees? These aren't people that got sick of their homes and decided to come to hot, sunny Britain. These are people who have been persecuted by their racist governments, governments that began, by the way by claiming they were going to improve their countries by stopping immigration and bringing them back to their grassroots (like the BNP). First those governments pick on the most recent immigrants, then the rest one by one, then, when the problems are still there, they go after anyone who speaks out against them, then the people down the list from there until ALL freedoms are taken. This has happened time and time again. These views are dangerous. If you can't see that, you need not look in history books because it is happening NOW in many parts of the world. So, reluctantly, these people risk their lives to get away, to save their families lives. They are not economic travellers. Any people that are and apply for asylum are turned away. I know because I have seen it. I worked for the solicitors who help legitimate asylum seekers, and look into the cases of those who are not.

Would you, as a mother, use all of your savings, every last penny, to leave your family behind, risking your life and that of your children, your husband for a cell in an asylum seeker's compound? No, I didn't think you would. These people do this because they are desperate to find safety. They are not criminals in any way we would think. If they are labeled as such in their countries, it is because they are in disagreement with their right-winged, fascist governments.

But, we aren't even talking about asylum seekers when it comes to the BNP. We are talking about me, too. I am not European. I am an immigrant here. If you try to tell me that I have done harm by coming here, then you have to take a long look at yourself and figure out where you have been brainwashed. First I came here and spent over £50,000 on an education. I have no idea how much of that contributed to taxes directly, but all of it supported quite a few employees at my university, as well as British research, etc. Next, I worked for several non-profit charities, and as a nursing assistant for several years. I took care of British people in the most basic sense- I even cleaned their bums! If someone tries to tell me that my presence is harmful, then they are ignorant and uneducated and could do with mixing with people outside of the circle they have been with since they were in their nappies. I am not unusual as far as immigrants go, and most do even more than me. The fact is that every country needs immigrants in order to survive.

Lastly, the only reason Britain is so rich is because they went around the world and colonised most of it. They went into countries that were doing fine without them and took over, forcing their beliefs and culture on them. In some cases (like India), you could argue they helped improve them. In other cases (like most of Africa, but Britain is certainly not the only country to be guilty of this), they completely destroyed the systems that were working just fine before and then left them to fend for themselves. All in the name of Christianity and British Imperialism. I'm NOT attacking Britain. This is my home and every country has things from its past that it could have done better. But for people from a country with this type of past to then go on and tell the people who come from those places that their ancestors colonised that they have no right to come over to Britain disgust me. I don't want them to have anything to do with the upbringing/education of my half-British son.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

A brilliant speech hun.

One thing Id like you to comment on is our housing system.
Do you believe immigrants come to the UK and get prioritised above our own people in need of accommodation.
I hear so many stories and have also spoken to people who work in the council who have told me that yes immigrants are often prioritized over the British citizens?
We read in the news papers how they are given houses?

Why is this?

My opinion is like anyone if you have a child, disability etc they regardless of where you come from you should be housed.
I don't agree that single immigrants should be housed when there is in fact lots of families who need a roof over there head.

Is there more to this?
Oh my God I have just read all 9 pages of this! Don't tell my DH I am supposed to be doing housework while Ella is at Mum and Dads!

I will add my humble opinion.

1. It is right that there is a BIG difference between voting for/agreeing with the opinions of the BNP and actually joining the party. By joining the party you are actively supporting them and therefore making a statement - if this is the case why so ashamed?
2. Teachers should be sacked (and I say that as a teacher), not because they may try to pass their views on but because they are racist, how could a member of the BNP honestly teach a non white child and not discriminate against them?
3. Although I think they should be named and shamed, I do worry about vigilante action against them.
4. I am not getting into a debate about their policies, but they are racist, bigotted neo-nazis!

Also :clap: to Purple13, Zebrastripes and anyone else who made such a good argument against them.
Sweetcheeks24 said:
the majority of BNP supporters are extreme.. then there is the minority of the party. The ones who join up just because they are sick of immigration without actually reading policies and understanding them properly. So we have the racist bigots and the ignorant all rolled into one party. I think I might set up a poll though to see if you right :wink:

Not sure that we need a poll. I think the fact that they got no seats and 0.7% of the vote at the last general election speaks for itself. :lol:
daftscotslass said:
Sweetcheeks24 said:
the majority of BNP supporters are extreme.. then there is the minority of the party. The ones who join up just because they are sick of immigration without actually reading policies and understanding them properly. So we have the racist bigots and the ignorant all rolled into one party. I think I might set up a poll though to see if you right :wink:

Not sure that we need a poll. I think the fact that they got no seats and 0.7% of the vote at the last general election speaks for itself. :lol:

:lol: well yes I agree but

Jade&Evie said:
I expect if there was an annomynous poll on here where people didnt have to put their neck on the line you'd find that a lot of people that support the ideals of the BNP. :?

Jade challenged me :lol: :hug:
babyroo said:
sarafet said:
Jade&Evie said:
but if you want to find true hypocrites and bigots look bo further than the church- they have been doing it for 1000s of years! :?

:roll: the church are following their religion/bible/scriptures etc, are the bnp?

eta - i'm not saying that it's right to be homeophobic etc with that statement, just pointing out thats it's a stupid comparison to make.

I agree with sarafet with the Church comparison.

Not sure why it put roll eyes in the quote in my response because there certainly was'nt one in sarafet original post.
Jade&Evie said:
sarafet said:
[quote="Jade&Evie":4qkq3r8b]but if you want to find true hypocrites and bigots look bo further than the church- they have been doing it for 1000s of years! :?

:? please dont :roll: at me... everyone is entitled to an opinion.

A lot of people vote for the BNP because they are fed up with the way things are at the moment. Its not that people don want to work- it's, as Mary pointed out, the immigrant workers will work for less money and in poorer conditions. Fair enough, some of the members may be more extreme but you get that in ANY political party.

I don't think i have heard of any of the main political parties being quite as extreme as the BNP.
Morganuk said:
One thing Id like you to comment on is our housing system.
Do you believe immigrants come to the UK and get prioritised above our own people in need of accommodation.
I hear so many stories and have also spoken to people who work in the council who have told me that yes immigrants are often prioritized over the British citizens?
We read in the news papers how they are given houses?

Why is this?

My opinion is like anyone if you have a child, disability etc they regardless of where you come from you should be housed.
I don't agree that single immigrants should be housed when there is in fact lots of families who need a roof over there head.

Is there more to this?

I'm not Moss but my view is that immigrants are not responisble for the housing shortage. Asylum seekers and illegal immigrants aren't entitled to benefits or housing and even then a refugee does not get preferential housing entitlement, it is based on a needs system. If anyone is to blame it is the councils for selling off their properties and not building new ones but its far easier to make immigrants the scapegoats.

British National Party Policies.


On current demographic trends, we, the native British people, will be an ethnic minority in our own country within sixty years.

To ensure that this does not happen, and that the British people retain their homeland and identity, we call for an immediate halt to all further immigration, the immediate deportation of criminal and illegal immigrants, and the introduction of a system of voluntary resettlement whereby those immigrants who are legally here will be afforded the opportunity to return to their lands of ethnic origin assisted by a generous financial incentives both for individuals and for the countries in question.

We will abolish the ‘positive discrimination’ schemes that have made white Britons second-class citizens. We will also clamp down on the flood of ‘asylum seekers’, all of whom are either bogus or can find refuge much nearer their home countries.

After reading this I have to say that there beliefs make them pretty shallow people.
I form the opinion that they want rid of ALL immigrants regardless of there circumstances which to me isnt right :think:
Sweetcheeks24 said:
the majority of BNP supporters are extreme.. then there is the minority of the party. The ones who join up just because they are sick of immigration without actually reading policies and understanding them properly. So we have the racist bigots and the ignorant all rolled into one party. I think I might set up a poll though to see if you right :wink:

Well said! :clap: :clap:

I wouldn't have put it so politely :wink:
lol at Native British being an ethnic minority - native british - hmm read up on your British History mate :lol:
beanie said:
lol at Native British being an ethnic minority - native british - hmm read up on your British History mate :lol:

The 2001 census results also suggests otherwise when it comes to the British being a minority group :lol:
Morganuk said:

British National Party Policies.


On current demographic trends, we, the native British people, will be an ethnic minority in our own country within sixty years.

To ensure that this does not happen, and that the British people retain their homeland and identity, we call for an immediate halt to all further immigration, the immediate deportation of criminal and illegal immigrants, and the introduction of a system of voluntary resettlement whereby those immigrants who are legally here will be afforded the opportunity to return to their lands of ethnic origin assisted by a generous financial incentives both for individuals and for the countries in question.

We will abolish the ‘positive discrimination’ schemes that have made white Britons second-class citizens. We will also clamp down on the flood of ‘asylum seekers’, all of whom are either bogus or can find refuge much nearer their home countries.

After reading this I have to say that there beliefs make them pretty shallow people.
I form the opinion that they want rid of ALL immigrants regardless of there circumstances which to me isnt right :think:

Makes my skin crawl! Note the use of the words 'white Britons'.......... :shock: :shock: :shock: Seriously, I wanna :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke:
beanie said:
lol at Native British being an ethnic minority - native british - hmm read up on your British History mate :lol:

Thats the reason I find why some British people don't want to move over to Euro, is because its retaining our heritage, laughable.

The Pound is from Roman times brought over by Romans... its about as british as Pizza :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: British people are the mongrals of the world :lol: Even the English language isn't derived from one solitary source but a whole mix of many different peoples invading and settling in the British isles..

Ok I am done with my pointless tit bit... I say vote the Raving loony party... at least they are honest about being nutcases :lol:
i am proud to be british and different from the sheep and i for one dont want the euro
beanie said:
Morganuk said:
One thing Id like you to comment on is our housing system.
Do you believe immigrants come to the UK and get prioritised above our own people in need of accommodation.
I hear so many stories and have also spoken to people who work in the council who have told me that yes immigrants are often prioritized over the British citizens?
We read in the news papers how they are given houses?

Why is this?

My opinion is like anyone if you have a child, disability etc they regardless of where you come from you should be housed.
I don't agree that single immigrants should be housed when there is in fact lots of families who need a roof over there head.

Is there more to this?

I'm not Moss but my view is that immigrants are not responsible for the housing shortage. Asylum seekers and illegal immigrants aren't entitled to benefits or housing and even then a refugee does not get preferential housing entitlement, it is based on a needs system. If anyone is to blame it is the councils for selling off their properties and not building new ones but its far easier to make immigrants the scapegoats.

No your right,it is the councils who have the say so but it does make me wonder why we keep on hearing these kind of stories. I cant help but have the opinion that we should help out are own first to a certain extent as after all it is our country. Yes if immigrants have young babies then they need housing but not single men who get filled into houses when we have families who need help.

I can totally sympathise with why a not of immigrants leave there countries but to be fair, that's not the average British persons fault so why should they be made to come second by are councils :think:

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