M2A's failed induction/induction story


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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I was booked in for an induction on Sat 22nd Oct at 7.30pm, due to size of baby and my SPD. We arrive at the hospital and was taken to the induction room around 8pm ish. I was hooked up to the ctg monitor and assessed for 30mins then was given the 1st prostin gel, walked around for abit then decided i need to get some rest as i was going to need all the energy i could get. Just over 6hours later i was monitored again and given the 2nd lot of gel and then waited a good 7-8hours till i was transferred to the delivery suite for them to brake my waters or so i thought. I was put on the ctg monitor again just to check babys trace but in the mean time another lady had come in ready to give birth so the midwife had to rush off, 21/2hrs later she came back and i was still hooked up to the ctg machine desperate for the toilet and fed up as noone had been in to see how i was! After another 30mins midwife then assessed me to tell me my waters cant be broken as my cervix wasnt ready, she got a doctors second opinion and i was told the same, the induction process had failed :(
That night i stayed on the mat ward so they could start the induction process again Monday morning, with all hope that it was going to work second time around! As i was on the mat ward, it came apparent that i wasnt the only person that has had a failed induction that day, my mind starts thinking a bad batch of gel, a problem with administration???
After a nice rest i decided Monday was a new day, new start and it wasnt going to beat me this time! By 6am i was already doing rounds of the hospital trying to keep little missy as low as possible. My appointment was at 9.30 but was took down around 20mins early but because id already been on the ctg machine the gel was given straight away, i waited 1hr for it to start working then went on my rounds of the hospital again and then started bouncing on my ball. By the time i was examined 6hours later i was already 2cms and contracting on my own so it was decided not to give me the second gel. At about 7pm i was taken to the delivery suite and my waters were popped about an hour later, as my contactions were coming on their own the midwife decided i didnt need the drip and i was well on my way to having my little bundle of joy :)
After having Adam i can tell you that induction is alot more painful and made my labour alot longer (my have been different with the drip) i started to get really bad back labour as well as the normal contraction pains, my hypno birthing and breathing got me with no pain relief till about 12ish then i started to use gas and air, midwife then assesed me and i was between 5-6cms dilated. The back pain was excrutiating so a couple of hour later i was given an injection of diamorphine to help with the pain (it didnt help, just made me sleepy!) the contractions were coming thick and fast and was assesed again at around 4am where i was 9-10cms dilated but still had part of my cervix in tact so even though i kept getting the urge to push i wasnt allowed! An hour later the cervix had fully efaced and the pushing started and i had my little princess Elexia-Lily at 05.23 on 25th Oct. Elexia was placed on my chest for skin to skin and then all of a sudden the room was packed with midwives and a doctor was called in, because of the size of Elexia, id had a post partum hemorroge and the placenta wouldnt come away, in total i lost over a ltre of blood and my veins kept collapsing as they tried to put the drip in and take blood sames, i felt like a pin cushion! Luckly the midwives and doctor were brilliant and they managed to get the placenta out and i was given a drip to help my uterus contract and the bleeding stop before i needed a blood transfusion! But after all the drama i had my little missy, Elexia-Lily weighing 9lb 5oz's at 05.23 and i walked away without a stitch or graze in sight :) x x


Aww M2A she is gorgeous - and lovely name too! Sorry to hear it was a tough labour esp with haemorrage but congratulations on your beautiful baby girl xx
Thank you Tinselcat :) Im just glad its all over with and we can now bond as a family of 4 and i can get some rest at home (the mat wards are lovely but very noisy at times)
Hope you are well x x

Sounds like you done great, she's gorgeous congratulations Hun xx
Sounds like you done great, she's gorgeous congratulations Hun xx

Thanks ZMD, i dont feel i coped as well as I did with Adam but it was under different corcumstances and i would do it all again if it meant me having Elexia-Lily snuggled in my arms x x

She's beautiful! Well done you!
Congratulations, u did amazingly well done u she is sooo cute and I love the name x
You've done amazingly well - what a drama! That kind of thing is so wearing... I'm over the moon for you that it's all over and you've got your gorgeous girl. She's a beauty :) xxx

What a rough time you had :hug:
So glad everything turned out okay!!

She's absolutely beautiful!! But you know that already ;)
Give her lots of cuddles and kisses from her PF aunties :cheer: Adam too of course! Big bro!!
You are a proper trooper hun and u did a first class job!! Congratulations hun and elexia-lily is beautiful xxxxx
Aww sorry to hear the labour wasnt pleasant for you. Thanks so much for sharing hun, I'm booked for an induction on the 10th nov which I'm praying I dont make it to! Your daughter is so gorgeous and cute!!!!!!! Beautiful name too. So so so happy for you hun as I know you were pretty uncomfortable!! xxxxxxxxx
Well done, sounds like you had a right time of it! Elexia-Lily has certainly kept you on your toes right through pregnancy and birth! Well worth it in the end, she's a cutie, congrats again and hope your recovering well xx
Thanks for sharing your story hun......sounds like u were amazing despite all the drama! Hope u getting some rest at home with your gorgeous little girl xxx
Thank you ladies, OH is looking after me and making sure that im not doing too much. Elexia is very settled and feeding roughly every 4hours x x

Congratulations, such a pretty name for a pretty little girl to. Well done! X
well done Mrs :D....glad to hear she was worth it all...gives me hope...lol xxx

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