May Mummies!!!!

The baby on my ticker is really ugly. Mine better be way cuter than that after all this waiting.

I just googled overdue babies and it said that babies born at 42 weks can have dusty, papery skin as they start to loose fat after 40 weeks. I'm now scared I'm going to give birth to my grandad!
The baby on my ticker is really ugly. Mine better be way cuter than that after all this waiting.

I just googled overdue babies and it said that babies born at 42 weks can have dusty, papery skin as they start to loose fat after 40 weeks. I'm now scared I'm going to give birth to my grandad!


You crack me up! You and Pp can't leave me behind either! :lol: Why can't we just all go together! I'm patiently waiting for the midwife!

Ooh, good luck with the sweep. Do tell us all about your cervix once she's gone (adds to list of things I never thought I would say!). Mine yesterday seems to have done absolutely nothing. I just really want another one now but one's all I get.

It would be great to all go together. I'm convinced everyone is going to go before me though
Ooh, good luck with the sweep. Do tell us all about your cervix once she's gone (adds to list of things I never thought I would say!). Mine yesterday seems to have done absolutely nothing. I just really want another one now but one's all I get.

It would be great to all go together. I'm convinced everyone is going to go before me though

i wont go before you i promise :)

is your LO engaged at all?
I can't cope, I need to know if Nanc has had her baby.

PP - how are you doing? Any more pains? I'm terrified you are going to go in to labour now and leave me behind. Please wait for me xxx

How about we go together? I'll hold your hand if you hold mine?

Pmsl at giving birth to grandad!

Hope Nanc is doing good!

Pinky good luck with the sweep like Catty I want to hear all about it lol.

My midwife is coming on Sunday for another sweep, I bloody well hope I won't need her though!
To the babies of pink panther and catty - please come out and meet your mummies :)

If that works I could turn this into a business :rofl:

Seriously though, I hope your babies come soon. Can't imagine how you feel, I'm so fed up just now and I have 2 weeks until due date :( xxx

Yay! Hope that your good luck mantra works now!
Catty I've just realised that we've got the same induction date, next thursday so we can hold each others hand afterall!

I've never been so happy to see something so disgusting come out of me! It was kind of brown though, I assume that's ok? I know loosing plug doesn't really mean anything labour wise but at this stage any changes are good.

Come on PP, let's both get bouncing, pineapple eating and whatever else and hope for May 14th babies

Well as I thought - cervix is away up the back, she couldn't even perform the sweep properly and only managed to tip it. Baby was not happy when she did that and kicked really hard :lol: I'm not even fully engaged - says 2-3/5ths palpable. She's going to come back on wednesday and give me another sweep and I'm booked in for induction on the 24th :shock: Think I'll lose the plot if I have to wait till the 24th! So I don't think anything will be happening this weekend. Ho hum, nevermind at least baby is fine, mw thinks baby is shy :) Will seriously need to find things to keep me occupied this weekend and the coming week!

No word from nanc I take it?


I've never been so happy to see something so disgusting come out of me! It was kind of brown though, I assume that's ok? I know loosing plug doesn't really mean anything labour wise but at this stage any changes are good.

Come on PP, let's both get bouncing, pineapple eating and whatever else and hope for May 14th babies


:dance: means your cervix is doing something though :)
Well as I thought - cervix is away up the back, she couldn't even perform the sweep properly and only managed to tip it. Baby was not happy when she did that and kicked really hard :lol: I'm not even fully engaged - says 2-3/5ths palpable. She's going to come back on wednesday and give me another sweep and I'm booked in for induction on the 24th :shock: Think I'll lose the plot if I have to wait till the 24th! So I don't think anything will be happening this weekend. Ho hum, nevermind at least baby is fine, mw thinks baby is shy :) Will seriously need to find things to keep me occupied this weekend and the coming week!

No word from nanc I take it?


im sure you wont have to wait till then hun xx
Oh Pinky you never know, it might have started something.

Mine's exactly the same only 2-3/5 engaged. A friend of mine just told me that at her sweep her cervix was unfavourable and she was not engaged but she went into labour 2 days later so all is not lost.

The 24th isn't too bad, what will you be 41+4?. Where I am they refused to let me be induced any earlier than 42 weeks even when I cried.

5 days to go!! Is it 5 or 6? I'm losing track off my days now!!!
cooooome on little babies we want at least one by the end of the weekend! aww pinky you never know something might happen - get eating them curries and pineapples!
Oh wow! Losing a plug is great stuff (I'm sure I never got this happy about losing my own previous plugs lol) I lost my plug with DD1 the day before having her and DD2 about 5 days before.

Pinky Lets hope mw having a rummage around means that shes set something off in the right direction.

I'm getting a bit down now, I'm struggling to stand up, and I want to sleep. I'm incredibly bored and feel like all the days are turning into one with dark in between!
Pinkymum - that's a shame about your sweep but you never know you could still go anytime.

Catty - woooo for you losing your plug. Maybe you won't be giving birth to a grandad after all :rofl:

Girls my cervix was high it.only moved.down in labour.... I lost my.plug and went into labour all same.night 1hr30mins later he was here all I will say is girls bounce on your balls!!!!
Abd sleep because you don't is here lol x x

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