maybebaby labour update - BABY IS HERE ALREADY! - update 2


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2008
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Edit 6.45pm - A few more details coming through now!
Fraser Charlie David was born at 6.09pm weighing 8lb 5.5oz. He has a healthy pair of lungs, big feet and dark hair. Her official labour length was 1hour 39 minutes :shock: Becky is doing well and I'm going to see them now! Sure she'll be on later to post pictures.

EDIT 6.15pm - I just had a text from my mum to say Becky had a little boy a few minutes ago! No details as yet so will update again when I hear or will let her do it herself if she's wants to. Congratulations! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Maybebaby is my little sister.

I couldn't edit her post so thought I'd start a new thread to keep you updated on her behalf.

My mum is with her and her OH and texted me a little while ago tyo say things are moving very quickly. She was examined about 5.15 and was 6cm. Since then, the contractions have intensified and are coming every minute.

Both the midwives are at home with her, which suggests that they think the arrival is not far away!

I'm so excited! :cheer: :cheer:
:eek: not long now im sooooo jelous lol :hug: good luck hunni
Fantastic news.........looks like her LO will be here in no time!!

Cant wait to hear the next update :D
Bloody hell!!!!

I only read the first updte 2 seconds ago!

Go maybebaby!!!!
wow quickest labour ever, i want one lol congrats on your little boy hun cant wait to see pics :hug: :hug:
Wow I cant believe how quick that was!!!

HUGE congrats hun, and cant wait to see some photos of Baby Fraser!!
Yay, another fast labour for you R! And on her birthday as she'd hoped for too - ooooh I'm so happy for her! A happy home birth - yay!

Thanks for the update MummyJess! Let us know details and see pics when you can!

I am LOVING the Scottish name too!

Valentine Xxx
Wowsers. He didn't hang about, did he? :D

Congrats on your new arrival, maybebaby :dance: :cheer: :hug:

And happy birthday to you too!!
Wow congrats hun!! :hug: :hug: Welcome little baby Fraser :cheer: x x
wow! that was fast!!

Congratulation!! Cant wait to see pics! xxx
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: OMG i logged off for a few hours and shes blooming well had it!!!!!! Congratulations hunny how are you doing? :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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