Milk supply and pumping..Advice please!!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2006
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My milk supply has defo dropped :( having to top lily up twice a day now with formula.. I'm getting max an oz a time pumping both sides for half hour.. Is there a time limit on how long to pump for in one session?? If I pump regularly and get my supply up will I have to keep pumping?? Finally got a decent pump (thanks hunnie!!) so it's actually getting some from me..
Please advice!!!!
My HV told me to pump the breast I didn't use to feed Joshua straight after a feed. As you are increasing the demand, your milk supply will increase. But it takes 3 days for your milk supply to increase and catch up. Hope this helps? Just persevere. I'm finding the same issue as you do know how you feel.xx
Finally posted the bottles to you today hun. Sorry for the delay xxx

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Thanks babe.. I just don't know what to do anymore I'm considering giving up.. I can't let her starve her weight is so low she's on 2nd centile from 50th now :( I pumped instead of feeding yesterday to see how much I was making and I only got an oz :( she gets a full feed in the morning coz she sleeps for 12 hours.. She's not getting much from me by her third feed, she does the let down on both sides then cries for more and I can't give it to her so I end up giving her formula.. I need to get her weight up.. I'm eating more and using fenugreek too.. I've tried feeding her more often but she ends up getting the let down for a minute then it stops :(
Thanks babe how much do I owe u? Pm me ur PayPal add and I can send it to u now xx
when i asked mw about expressing to relieve engorging she said that every session would count as a feeed. so more often makes your body think you're feeding more often. maybe worth doing less time, at more regular intervals. im just guessing though. xxx
Stress can also effect milk supply and you're going through a lot with mil :(. Have lots of oats maybe make flapjacks and other oaty things with the girls. Drink lots of water and have lots of skin to skin any formula feed you do pump. If shr feeds from one side can u express from the other ?? When you express have a photo of her or a piece of her clothing. Remember you won't ever get as much as lo is getting from you when you pump so she will be getting more xx

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I think you should be so proud of yourself for getting this far honey, especially with all the stress from your OH's family. I think if I was in your situation I would probably top up with formula like you are doing as like you say she has now dropped to 2nd centile. That's a big drop from her birth weight, does she seem much more settled after a formula feed. I would keep offering her the breast at feeds and then top up as she demanded. I'd maybe keep up with the pumping for a bit to see of there is any improvement in supply and of not then move to FF.

You have honestly done amazingly well to perservere through everything, you really have done your best for Lily :)

She will still be getting your milk and even if you stopped now she had had a brilliant start :)
Thank for your support it means alot to me.. Yeah I'm under a great deal of stress which isn't helping at all :( she is defo happier after her top up!
Gonna do my best to get my supply up and if it's not improving I'll switch to ff.. Probably will gradually have to go to ff as my supply seems to be getting less and less each day :(

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