Monday past ....*updated with bf pics*

Zeb, what lovely photos and what a beautiful memento! I can't believe how grown up baby Willow is? How old were our two when we met up?

You're a superstar! I really hope you continue feeding for as long as you are both happy.

kiwiswife said:
For those who may not understand my sig, the World Health Organization recommends children be breastfed until at least two years :D

I know, unfortunately my DD self weaned days before her first birthday. In my opinion, I did everything I could to encourage her to keep breastfeeding but it wasn't to be. I would have love to have fed for longer.

Valentine Xxx
Gosh,well,it was May when we met up,so they must have been.... ohhh.... 10 months?

How's E? Haven't seen a photie of her in ages.I don't really look in pictures any more, so i may have missed some :D
Aww look at Willow looking so grown up! You reckon you would ever get to Scotland again for another meet :D I reckon me and Valentine should visit you.. when I pass my test :dance:
Sweetcheeks24 said:
Aww look at Willow looking so grown up! You reckon you would ever get to Scotland again for another meet :D I reckon me and Valentine should visit you.. when I pass my test :dance:

Would maybe pop over with OH during summer... he keeps threatening to take me away somewhere, but I don't want to go too far... we went to Wales in November and even at that age travelling with wills near killed me...but in summer we could ferry it over to Stranraer and hopefully I'd be driving by then and could drive to edinburgh..Oh has never been,the cad. And it's my favourite city,next to Belfast and Cambridge

You two are welcome any time :D you should come over! the pipes in the stables are broken, but we're going to get it fixed soon, if for any reason we couldn't,there's always the B&B like 2 miles up the road that my grandparents always stayed at

*has it all planned lol*
Those pics are beautiful and such beautiful eyes!
Congratulations, what a fantastic achievement :cheer:

Beautiful pictures :hug: :hug:
zebrastripes said:
Sweetcheeks24 said:
Aww look at Willow looking so grown up! You reckon you would ever get to Scotland again for another meet :D I reckon me and Valentine should visit you.. when I pass my test :dance:

Would maybe pop over with OH during summer... he keeps threatening to take me away somewhere, but I don't want to go too far... we went to Wales in November and even at that age travelling with wills near killed me...but in summer we could ferry it over to Stranraer and hopefully I'd be driving by then and could drive to edinburgh..Oh has never been,the cad. And it's my favourite city,next to Belfast and Cambridge

You two are welcome any time :D you should come over! the pipes in the stables are broken, but we're going to get it fixed soon, if for any reason we couldn't,there's always the B&B like 2 miles up the road that my grandparents always stayed at

*has it all planned lol*

Either one sounds great for me! When the weather gets a little warmer I shall speak to Valentine and see what she thinks about it :D :hug:
I'd love to meet up again ladies, and am sure kmac and Kian would be up for it too - I'm seeing her on Tuesday so I'll mention it then.

I have a baby due at the end of May so U.K. mainland obviously best for me being heavily pregnant or with a newborn but definitely would love to see you all again!

Oh yeah, why did it completely slip my mind you were pregnant :lol:
Well done Zebrastripes! :cheer:

I'm counting down the days for our 18 month milestone (16 days to go!). How long do you plan to carry on for?

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