Moved to spain 2 months ago and now very low and lonely..


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2007
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I dont wish i hadn't moved or anything but i do wish i had more friends to talk to about stuff, i want to be exited that im pregnant and wanna go out baby clothes shopping with mates but i cant cos i dont really know many people..

Just feel like i want to go back to the uk to see everyone but my hubby keeps saying weve only been here 2 moths and he would rather i didn't fly while im pregnant..

Just feeling soooo down all i wanna do is cry.. :(
ah hun :hug: i completely understand how you feel. we moved to switzerland back in march and i found out i was pregnant in may. although we had made some friends here it wasn't the same as having my old mates from the uk around.

we found a forum on the internet that had been set up for ex-pats living in switzerland, through this i have now managed to meet up with a group of other pregnant ex-pats and we meet at least once a week to discuss baby things, pregnancy and mother in laws!

it has really helped to talk to other people in a similar situation because it can feel very lonely to be in a strange place and going through pregnancy, especially if this is your first one.

maybe try searching on the internet for expat forums there in spain? i was really wary about going to meet up with people off the internet for the first time but i'm really glad that i did now! it's made me feel so much better about everything!!!

and you can always pm me when you're feeling down :)
Im feeling quite lonely at times, i moved down to sunderland last christmas and was fine until I got pregnant and now im soo home sick.... I only lived 40 miles away originally so not hours away but its still not the same as having my mam pop round every day like she used to and also having my old friends to gossip with etc! we plan at some point to move in between both our parents so im closer. I havent made many friends and when I lived back home was always with one of my mates so im not used to my own company... I know exactly how you are feeling hun so sending you big hugs :hug: :hug:
Aww thanks girls.. I've joined a mums in spain website so hopefully i'll meet a few nice girls from that, someone emailed me this morning actually so fingers crossed, just seems crap having to meet new mates on the internet.. booo..
Ahhh :hug: :hug:

Not good to feel lonely at any time let alone now when you want to share your baby joy.

Maybe see if you can persuade your hubby that you'd be ok to fly to visit home for a quick trip to boost your spirits. Flying really is fine as long as you have a normal pregnancy and spain is only a short flight away. I'm just back from seeing my bro in Dubai which is a 7 hour flight and i went by myself aswell. I really didnt feel any different to normal flights except maybe a little uncomfy in my seat!! Did have to lug my suitcase off the conveyour belt but that was all as it has wheels and i could have asked someone else to help but i was a scaredy cat!

It would probably do you the world of good to have a break, see some family and friends and then you'd go back feeling better for sure.

See how it goes and hopefully in time you'll meet some people, just try and get out and about to the local groups/events and you are sure to meet some people.

Is there something like the NCT over there?
I sympathise entirely when I fell pregnant we were living in France, and desperately wanted to come back to the UK, which we actually did in the end! However I am now back living in the UK in an area Im not that familiar with (we still owned a house in the UK which we bought as an investment so had to move into that house), and know absolutely no-one in the area - to make matters worse my husband works away most of the week, so I literally spend day after day on my own and its tough, and the more pregnant I become the harder it gets in so many ways.

I would definitely try and plan a trip home whilst you still can - I flew a couple of times throughout my pregnancy with no problems at all, and am sure a trip to see your family will leave you feeling in much better spirits.

Keep smiling hun - although I know its tough :hug:
:wave: :wave: Hello...

I felt dead lonely too.. and still do in some ways. :(
Hi Sunshine gal
Sympathise with you completely. Am out in France away from my long lost friends and family too. Really wanted my mum today. Also finding the system very different and although my French is ok am having severe difficulty with the pregnancy terms with hospitals - might aswell not go! Hope you get to meet some nice pals through the site. Mate of mine in Oz did the same. She said she felt daft for doing it but was the best thing she did.
Stick it out as you're still fairly new and like EllieBellie said flying is fine. Maybe harder to come back though if you do go nack for a visit??
Good luck :hug:

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