Mums of both sexes...


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2007
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Were your pregnancies different for each sex? I have 2 girls, and suffered from bad morning sickness with both of them. I'm now pregnant with baby number 3 and desperately hoping for a boy...but I'm gettting the same sickly feeling.

On a different note--do you think that old ring test works? The one where you tie thread to your wedding ring and if it moves in circles it's a boy--if it swings from side to side, it's a girl? Did it yesterday and it said BOY, but I've got this feeling I'm destined to have another girl... :roll:
I had no morning sickness with my son, but with my daughter I had chronic nausea and tiredness...But I carried the same with both and put on the same amount of weight...But bigger boobies with DD.
With my girls i was really sick but with the boys i only felt sick and also with the boys i got really bad headaches
ive already got two boys and im carrying a girl now, and apart from things being slightly harder this time, ive had hyperemesis each time so for me the only real difference is their bits lol
I have two the same but my pregnancies couldn't have been more different... This time round I had really bad sickness... but with Tia I only felt sick. I don't think there is much in it to be exact. :roll:
i have 4 boys and 2 girls so far and to be honest cant say they were any different.
I was more sick and heartburn with my DD but my sis has 3 girls and her pregnancies were all different!!
I didn't find many differences between my pregnancies
My pregnancy with DS was a breeze no problem other than heart burn in tri 3, flat tummy and full of energy the whole time........................

Im now PG with a girl, absolutley different MS so severe I was treated for starvation and lots and lots and lots of other problems.

That being said Im almost 9 years older and that could have something to do with the problems however I keeep saying I dont carry girls well :(
This pregnancy is completely different to Isaac's, and we're having a girl this time, so they say :lol: Terrible morning sickness, fatigue and an early huge bump this time around, with Isaac I never felt pregnant until the last few weeks :lol: So different for me.
Mine were complete opposites! ALL the old wives tales were true, the hsape of the bump, cravings, sickness all followed those silly old tales.

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