My beautiful little boy is turning into a monster!


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2010
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And I shouldn't laugh but it's so funny when he does it...
Like today I was giving him his lunch and he must have had enough coz he started what sounded like growling! He went bright red in his face, clenched his fists up, and was shaking his head going 'blah blah manamama' with a really angry look on his face. He throws, properly throws toys around, with force, he kicks, tries to pinch, has proper little paddies, for example I took him for a walk today, thought its nice and sunny so though we'd take his library books back, been walking 10 minutes and he started screaming, couldn't settle him do turned round to come home, half way home he has a full blown paddy and was sobbing, so had to carry him and push the buggy (he's no lightweight bubba anymore, 23lb at last weigh in), and he shut up the second I picked him up!

He's not even 11 months yet, surely he shouldn't be doing things like this yet? Is he bored maybe? We don't go to as many groups anymore as the babies are getting younger, lol, so an trying to find some other things to do with him, but not having luck ATM. Do anyone else's babies do this at this age? If so, how do you deal with it? I'm dreading the terrible 2's!


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This sounds like my Owen, now 21 months and been having tantrums since a year. Very strong willed. In pram we had ti do books, snacks and songs. soon as he was walking we could hold hia hnd and let him elk whilst I pushes at same time, sonetime I did, and still do, hve to let him scream qnd reqlise he has to be in pram!!! Good luck!!!
Hey Chick,

I'm quite lucky that my Lo is quite relaxed, although I am dreading the terrible twos. But If Lo cries in the pram (very rare) I don't get him out (I never have, unless I knew he was hungry)...he stays put. Otherwise he would be doing it all the time just to be taken out of the pram if you get what I mean. When Lo was same age as your Lo I would say no in a stern voice if he was doing something I didnt want him to do or say A.. A... A in a stern voice and he used to stop.
Have you tried out a play group, they are usually run in community centres and church halls. Or swimming lessons (My Lo loves it). They usually do groups at the library or soft play areas (they sometimes hold sessions ie rhyme time) xxxxxxx
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Thanks girls :) I was singing to him today in his pram, but he was having none of it, it's not like him tbh, he's usually so calm and laid back, up until now, we could take him anywhere and do anything and he was a model baby, but all this is in the last few days :(

I don't usually have to get him out his pram, but I felt so bad today watching him sob, I had to, I think I'm a pushover and he knows it. Like if he's screaming while his dad gets him dressed, if he sees me he screams louder and if I just put my hands to him, he stops because he knows I'll pick him up, clever these babies at pulling on mummies heart strings.

I do say no to him now and he is starting to look at me, but don't think he really understands, not yet. He's very much a mummies boy, just wish he wouldn't have his little temper tantrums, not for a year or so anyway :(

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Oh, we haven't been swimming yet but are going to do water babies, and I've signed him up to gym babies so we start that next week, and are also going to the local tweeny group at the local nursery tomorrow, so fingers crossed.x

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