my belly dance!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2010
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my baby is making my belly dance on a daily basis!!

she moves up near my ribs and down near my hips and my belly dances around like mad its highly ammusing but can make me feel sick its like someome is doing a mexican wave in there :) :shock:

bit of a pointless thread but thought id share as it makes me giggle..... is it just my baby girl with her dancing shoes on???
Lol, my bubba has the belly-dancing fever too :) the only bit I really don't like is when he/she pushes right behind my belly button, feels like it's suddenly going to go "POP!", lol.
God mines either gonna be a tap dancer or footballer!! Or tap-dancing footballer :lol:
Soooooo strong and EVERYWHERE all at once!! I agree belly button kicks r not nice!!
Ooooh my stomach's been doing the mexican wave thing too. I get paranoid that other people can see it

seems to be a baby girl trait lol when i carried my lil man he neva really moved this lil one wriggles everywhere its halarious if i tap my belly lightly she kicks back lol, party trick x
My sister is other way round, her girl hardly kicked and now her boy has been battering her lol
i also get scared people can see it and worry that iv eaten something alive for lunch lol im sure shes trying to get out sometimes :) i think iv got a dancer in there but the sonogropher did say shes all arms and legs so i have no idea....netball?? lol
I've got a real wriggler too. It is lovely but sometimes makes me feel sick too as it can go on for ages when I'm trying to relax and watch TV in the evenings!! LOL.

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