My cat died


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2008
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Two days ago he was poisoned. We don't know what by but we reckon he ate something rather than being bitten by a snake or a bug.

He spend Thursday night at the vets, improved slightly then got worse. He spent last night with us and was perking up slightly but today he was obviously too ill. I was syringe feeding him laxatives to try and get him moving and fluids but it just wasn't enough. He had massive oedema in his stomach and fluid in his lungs and finally gave up his fight around 2.30pm (our time).

I know you guys didn't know him but we have known him from day 1. His mummy was a stray who found us and gave birth in our spare room. We raised all six babies from birth and he was the first born.

We are absolutely beside ourselves at the loss of darling Noodle :cry:



Helping decorate at Christmas :)

Sleep tight darling boy
Sorry hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

What a gorgeous cat!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
He really was.

We are just distraught tonight. Have cancelled all our plans and are getting a takeaway instead.

Poor Noodle :(
I know how you feel. My cat passed away in my arms on the 11th, from a massive heart attack. I'd had him 15 years!! Least there in no more pain and are at rest now...try take comfort in that :hug:
Oh no, hun that's just dreadful :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Sleep well ickle Noodle kitty xx
Thank you guys so much, you've set me off all over again :lol:

He was 2 days shy of 6 months old - it just seems too young to me. He was a wonderful boy and his brothers and sisters do seem a bit disjointed tonight...

I just can't stop crying. Pregnancy hormones probably aren't helping but what a sad day :(
oh no :( poor noodle :( he was lovely! aww i love cats. i'm so sorry :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxx
lots of love honey its horrible when a pet dies. ((((((((((((((hug))))))))))))))
i am so sorry its so bad when you lose a cat we have 5 we lost 1 last year he was killed by a car we still miss him so sorry about noodles big hug to you
BB i am so sorry for you. :hug:

I lost my beloved cat last year and I am still not over it in the slightest. She was my darling baby and I miss her so much. It's awful when a pet dies, they are as much as a part of your family as anyone. I hope you feel better soon. X
Oh no, I'm so sorry, he is the most gorgeous little cat ever :hug: You poor thing :hug: :hug:

I lost one of mine about 5 years ago and I still cry for him and miss him like crazy, they become a part of your family don't they. Oh look, there I go again :cry:

And he had the same name as me :cry: :cry:
Oh buddabun, I'm really sorry. Poor little noodle puss.
thanks you guys. you've set me off all over again :lol:

It's just not the same without him. We only knew him for 6 months but it was long enough to leave such an impression.

The others have been especially clingy today. I don't know if they miss him or if they just sense something is wrong. I let them all see the body yesterday so they would 'know' but they weren't interested. I guess cats behave differently to bunnies :?

We have just been moping today really...

Thanks for all your support. I know it's not exactly 'first tri' related but I just wanted to share him with you all
Ah piffle that it's not first tri related! If we went aroudn putting all our posts in teh proper places we'd never see 'em - first and second tri boards keep me busy enough! And we're all here for you, not just for your bean, so whatever you're gonig through is important whether it's got anything to do with your pg or not :hug: you mope away hon, it's the best thing
aww splash, you're such a sweetie (here come the waterworks again :lol: hormonal witch)

I do miss him a lot. I suppose it gets easier but even having him take his last breath in my arms I still can't believe it!

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