My Girlfriend ! Help


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2006
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Where do i start...

Shes 16 and she's pregnant as many of you may know already...

But she is feeling really really down, you can imagine the shock of it all but the morning sickness has been going on for around 3 weeks now and is showing no sign of ending

Today she was sick 5 times, she cant eat anything because she will just sick it up

It is so hard for her, especially for someone her age...

Well We dont live together so we usually take turns of piece at staying at each others houses for a few days, because of the morning sickness she hasnt been staying at mine so ive been staying at hers for a 3-4 days then coming home for a few days

I left her on wednesday... been speaking on the phone a bit but its not the same as being with her.

She is really upset, being sick all the time i cant imagine how hard this all is for her...

I play in a football league with a team and i have a game tommorow so i cant go up and see her

And i have a lot of stuff to get sorted down at my end so i dont think i can go up to hers until about wednesday...

Its a horrible situation but im just wondering is their anything i can do to cheer her up or make her happy...

The phone isnt really good, we have a chat but she just gets upset :(

Any advice? apart from reasuring her how much i love her and how brave she is

If she is being sick repeatedly she needs to speak to a midwife or GP, it could be hypermesis gravidum (sp?). I had this and lost a stone in weight in a few weeks. if she isn't keeping water down she may need to have an IV to keep her fluid levels up.

Get her to run it by her midwife or GP when she can. Hopefully it's nothing though. Morning sickness normally ends by 12 weeks.
Do you think it really neccessary to get her checked out?

She really hasn't eat much in the past few days

And she is being sick a lot

Obviously its morning sickness but that thing you mentioned has got me worried?

What do you think I should do?
Well if I was you yes I would reccomend it, if you are in doubt of anything when pregnant it should be checked.

Hyperemesis isn't that dangerous, I had fairly bad but was never admitted to hospital, I'm sure hers is nothing even that bad.

If you are that worried about her, which you sound like you are, then I'd reccomend she speak to a GP or even NHS Direct.
If she is being that sick its always worth getting checked out. Its horrid being sick and I wouldnt wish it on anyone. A few more weeks of it though and it should start to subside.
I hope so :(

I wish I was with her now :wall:

i hope she feels beter soon. peppermint tea is ment to be good, but i would get her to go and see someone.

i've only just joined here, but JMC, who is the baby on your ticker?
My sister had that was sick non stop throughout her pregnancy, but this is rare so i wouldnt worry too much its probably just because she is early in the pregnancy, mine got worst before it got better now i am fine so hopefully this will be the way..she should go see a doctor to check her BP etc and make sure everything is ok though like Sami said, the risk is there, but its not usually very dangerous so dont stress with worry hun...the doctor may even give her some sickness tablets if she asks nicely, mine did and they can be taken whilst PG they are a life saver, before i got my ones from the doctor though i took travel sickness tablets and found they worked too...there is some that can be taken whilst pregnant just make sure you read the packet and ask the pharmacist.

Hope she gets better, its all worth it in the end but these first few months are the hardest (as far as i know im only on second tri, but as they say i feel great) please third tri people correct me if i am wrong :D

cas xx
Hazzaboo said:
i've only just joined here, but JMC, who is the baby on your ticker?

Its just a pic off google to 'spruce up my sig'

i fort it may have been something like that but i didn't wanna say incase it wasn't!! lol

i fink u should send you oh a huge bunch of flowers!!!
aww it is really lovely that you are thinking so much about what she is going through, you obviously care alot about her, she is one lucky lady:) why not get a big cuddly toy, us girlys love that when we are feeling unwell, best of luck to you both:) and hope ur gf feels better soon
Thanks a lot everyone !

Sickness tablets though? Are they safe... i heard they stopped giving them out because babies where being born with no arms or legs.
i was pregnant at 16 and at the time allthough i was excited it was really scary the morning sickness seems quite bad the only thing i did was eat ginger biscuits and rest but maybe worrying too wont help i think just reasure her whatever happens you will be there to support her and the baby, and everything will be allright, the morning sickness should get easier soon i suffered a bit but i do think if you are worrying it makes it worse.

hope she feels better soon give her a ((hug)) from me.


I have no suggestions as i had no morning sickness but your a lovely OH she is very lucky to have you .
Just keep doing what your doing im sure its gonna be a tough next couple of weeks but after that it will get better!!
im the same as katrina no morning sickness for me u n should all be glad of it lol coz boy would u have heard it lol

i think its loverly ur so worried bout ur GF
JMC said:
Thanks a lot everyone !

Sickness tablets though? Are they safe... i heard they stopped giving them out because babies where being born with no arms or legs.

My doctor said that was fine...

Im not best impressed you decided to share that with me though. You have made me feel really bad. :( :( :(
JMC that was a bit uncalled for u saw that cassi had these then u decide to tell her that and got her worried. if her doc persrcribed them then obviously they are ok

Don't worry, I think JMC has his wires crossed it's not Travel Sickness tablets.

There was a scare in the 70's with Falidamide (Can't spell). A lot of kids were born with tiny arms etc my mum took them with me but she stopped feeling sick so stopped taking them.
And luckily I'm fine.

Those tablets were taken off the market years ago, I'm sure the ones your taking are fine. Your doctor recommended them so please don't worry.

Charm X :D
cassi said:
JMC said:
Thanks a lot everyone !

Sickness tablets though? Are they safe... i heard they stopped giving them out because babies where being born with no arms or legs.

My doctor said that was fine...

Im not best impressed you decided to share that with me though. You have made me feel really bad. :( :( :(

Don't worry cassi hun, my doc said they wouldnt harm the baby, but wanted to see if it started to stop on its own before he gave them to me because i wasnt that far gone.
Im sure he didnt mean anything, and like charm said it sounds like he has got mixed up with something else.

But seriously jmc think before you speak :roll: there is no need to cause worry like that..
Sorry I didnt think, I asked about them and thats what someone told me.

But i did say well why would they still be giving them out, so I assumed the ones they give out now are safe...

But seriously, i didnt mean to upset anyone


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