My lil man- Cameron Elliot


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2011
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While i have a few minutes, i thought i would write my birth story. I warn you, it's a long one!!

Throughout Sunday night and early Monday morning, i felt restless and uncomfortable with lower back ache and on and off period type pains. I was up at 6.30 as i just couldn't get comfy enough to sleep. However, i had been through all of this before, only for it to all die off again, so i didnt think much of it. The back ache continued throughout the day but the period cramps went away as i thought they would. I carried on with my day as normal including taking the dogs for a nice walk along the canal. I got the usual 'any news?' 'Is anything happening yet?' text messages throughout the day and i gave the usual 'no, nothing yet' response.

At about 4 that afternoon I started to get pain across the bottom of my bump. I hadnt felt it before and it would come and go. Mentioned it to hubby and then carried on with tea. As the evening wore on the pain was coming more regularly. I kept saying to hubby, its hurting again, then a few minutes later, its hurting again. He suggested i have a bath but the pain wasnt that bad, so i decided to take a couple of paracetamol and go to bed and have a bath when the pain got worse. I struggled to sleep as i was quite uncomfortable. At 10.30 i turned to hubby and said 'well, i've either just wet myself or my waters have gone!' I went to the loo and sure enough it was my waters :shock: however, there was meuconium in them which meant i had to go tolabour ward rather than our local midwife led unit. I called the hospital and they said to make our way in. So, we got ourselves sorted and after i made hubby put the bins out ready for the morning (seemed important at the time) we made our way to the hospital.

When we arrived i was checked and found to be 2cms but with baby's head very low down. Due to the meuconium, they wanted to monitor him constantly. The monitor was a pain, as i was trying to find a comfy position but the sensors kept slipping and losing his heart rate so i was having to hold onto them the whole time. After a couple of hours we were moved over to the delivery suite. This was just as well, as i really needed a wee and we were locked out of the toilet!

Now, from here on in time went out the window and i have no idea what happened when! As there was meuconium in my waters they didn't want me labouring for too long, so i was put on a drip to speed things along. It took 3 attempts to get the cannular in and i was trying to keep still while contracting and balancing on the ball!! Not fun!

Once the drip was in, contractions picked up and i felt i needed pain relief. The consultant advised me to wait until i was in established labour before having pain relief but mw offered me gas and air. I decided to ignore the consultant- how much more established does he want me? My waters have gone and i'm havinv regular contractions and have very 'established' pain, so onto g&a i went! Wow! That stuff was great! I was totally out of it, talking rubbish, laughing hystrrically and apologising to mw as ' this is such an inappropriate time to be laughing'

At some point i was examined again and was 4cm. By this time i needed more pain relief and had a shot of diamorphine. Again cue me being totally out of it but i did manage some sleep between contractions which was nice.

They put a clip on babies head to monitor him but it kept coming off so they kept having to reattatch it. They also took some blood from him aswell. I am not sure how manyy times they attatched the clip etc but for a period of time, there seemed to constantly be someone with their hand up my foof!!! Not that i really cared!!

I kept getting the urge to push and i physically couldnt stop myself. I kept apologising to mw as i new i shouldnt be pushing yet, i just couldn't help it. Then, when the time came to push, i had no urge at all!! And to make matters worse my contractions slowed down and weren't lasting for very long. As i was so exhausted and the baby was showing signs of distress it was decided to perform a ventous delivery. I pushed and his head came out- i put my hand down and felt it! One more push and he was put on my chest!!! He had a big old cone head from sitting at z funny angle in ths birth canaland a bruised head from the ventous, but he was the most gorgeous thing i had ever seen! He was cleaned up, checked over and then put skin to skin where he had a feed. He arrived at 8.39 weighing 7lb4oz. He is the spitting image of his daddy with gorgeous blonde hair.

I had a second degree tear and a graze as he was born with his hand by his face . The mw's wanted to measure my first wee after delivery and although i said on a couple of occasions i think i could go for a wee now, the toilet in the delivery suite had broken and for some reason i never made it to another toilet and i ended up wetting the bed!! Ooops!!

Later that day, we were transferred back to our local MLU for bf support. Cameron brought up alot of mucus overnight which i found quite distressing and couldn't sleep well as i was watching over him all night. I was then lying in bed when i felt myself leaking everywhere which then dripped all over the floor in the toilet. I realised i didnt have any more clean jammy bottoms and had forgotten to pick up a fresh pad on the way to the toilet and i just sat on the loo and sobbed my little heart out!!

The following morning it was dicovered that Cameron had a high temperature and raised respiratory rate. We were loaded in the back of an ambulance and transferred to the neonatal unit where they took some blood. His temp had dropped again by the time we got there and the doctor was happy with his condition so we were transferred to transitional care for bf support as he hadn't fed properly since birth. Later on that evening i was woken to be told that Cam's bloods indicated he may have a slight infection and we were transferred back to the neonatal care unit. They performed a lumbar puncture and tried to take urine directly from the bladder with a needle and put a cannular in his arm so he could be given IV antibiotics. I have never cried so much in my life. It was the most awful experience. My brand new tiny baby being stabbed with needles and potentially being seriously ill. Thank god for the support of my amazing hubby and my wonderful mum and dad.

It was an awful time with no consistency. A new member of staff came to care for us morning and evening and each one would tell me to do something different. I felt as though nothing was given time to work before we tried something else. The other issue was that they specialise in baby care not mothers, so although i was supported, i had to wait for a midwife to come over to the ward to see me before i could get anything i needed. The worst day was day 3, when baby blues hit me like a ton of bricks and i spent the entire day in floods of tears over everything and nothing at anyone and everyone.

We spent a total of 5 days in neonatal before being discharged back to the MLU then allowed home the next day.

This has been the best and at times worst experience of my life. I have never felt such a massive range of emotion in such a short space of time and i never knew it was possible for a person to shed so many tears.

We are at home now and settling into life as a family. I have struggled with bf, as i am not producing enough milk and Cam lost weight, meaning we were nearly readmitted to hospital!! I am topping up with formula and he is now gaining weight and is alot happier and settled.

I cannot upload photos but can text a piccy if anyone would like to upload one for me? If not then no worries **piccy on post 8- thanks Lou12**

Thank you so much to each one of you for your support throughout my pregnancy.

Congrats if you managed to read until the end!!

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Sorry you've had such a rough time! Congrats and well done! x
Congratulations, fantastic name :yay: sorry you had such a hard time afterwards. Can sympathise, my Cameron was poorly for a few days too, all sorts of tests and jabs, I hated it! Xx
Glad he's doing ok now Hun and congratulations. X
Congratulations! Glad all is well xx
Congratulations, glad all is well.
Feel free to text me some piccies Emily! I'd be happy to upload them for you :)

So so glad that you're all doing good now after your experiences! Thank you for sharing - can't wait to see piccies of little Cameron!!!
And here is Emily and her gorgeous little man!!!

He's so beautiful Emily - well done to you both!!! xxx


  • Photo0136.jpg
    88 KB · Views: 110
He's just soooooooo scrummy!!! :)

Thanks for uploading piccy Lou

congrats hunni glag he doing well. good for you putting the bins out i forgot lol x x x
I think we were sat in the car just about to leave when i told hubby to put the bins out! Didnt want them sat around for a fortnight!
Well done :) he is absolutely gorgeous!!!
Congratulations on the birth of ur gorgeous little man. Sorry to hear you had a tough time but glad you are all home now :) xxx
Congratulations hun :D He's so goregeous! What a terrible time you had, so glad its all over and you're both home. Enjoy your little man :) x x
Aw this brought tears to my eyes.... and i read it at work!!! Congrats on your beautiful little boy xx
I just re-read it myself and made me feel all emotional. Such an overwhelming experience.

Wow!! Can't believe this was three years ago now! :shock:

I get to do it all again next year! Hopefully it'll be a bit smoother and easier than last time.



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