My lil Man- Cameron Elliot


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2011
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I'm a bit late starting this as Cameron is now seven weeks old but better late than never! Plus, I have finally figured out how to upload photos (only been a member of this forum for over a year!) yet again better late than never!!

So, to start here are some photos of my gorgeous little man

He's decided it's food time now, so I'l come back to this later...


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Hi there...I love reading the parenting journals to see how the bubs are getting on. :) Lovely pics of ur gorgeous boy. xxx
Better start at the beginning I suppose...

Hubby and I were ntnp for 6 months and nothing. By this time I was getting impatient so decided to start trying properly and used OPKs for the first time and there it was BFP!! :) So really, we got preggers on our first month trying properly! Nice!!

I had an amazing pregnancy with no complications. I did have to go for a growth scan as measuring big and not following a line on the growth chart. Also had to go in for monitoring once as baby's heart rate too high but all was well with both those extra checks. I loved loved loved being pregnant, watching my tummy grow and feeling my little one wriggle about was simply amazing and I truly hope to be able to do it again some day.

Labour and birth was an amazing experience and one that will stay with me for the rest of my life. Although I didn't end up with the birth I had hoped for the end result was the same.. my perfect son. Cameron Elliot was born weighing 7lb4oz on the 21st August (10 days overdue- I was obviously just too good at being pregnant!! Lol!!)

The week after his birth was simply the worst of my life. The day after he was born, having previously been transferred back to our local hospital, it was discovered that Cameron had a raised temperature and a raised respiratory rate. Cue ambulance, traumatised mummy and a transfer back to a bigger hospital. Not how you imagine your first day with your new baby. At the hospital bloods were taken but as his temp had gone back down and his breathing regulated we were sent to the transitional care ward for bf support. However, later that day after all my visitors and hubby had gone home, I was woken from my nap to be told that the blood results had come back showing that Cameron may have an infection and we were being moved to the neonatal unit.
Cameron was treated with IV antibiotics, had more bloods, a lumbar puncture and they attempted to take urine directly from the bladder but were unsuccessful. I was in pieces and terrified that Cam was seriously ill. I have never felt so helpless. I cuddled him and cried my eyes out, begging him, pleading with him to please be OK. The days and night seemed to roll into one and I seemed to spend all my time expressing to try and get my milk to come in. I was so exhausted after a few days, but would not let anyone take Cameron from me so I could rest. In the end, one of the nurses just said I'm taking him to the nursery so you can sleep and I'll wake you when he needs a feed. Well, when feed time came around, I was so exhausted she couldn't wake me!! Luckily she settled Cameron and successfully roused me a bit later on!
The news that Cameron had the all clear and we could be discharged back to our local hospital was music to my ears and after one more night there we were allowed to go home. The memory of that week will haunt me forever and has tainted my first few days of being a mum. The time when you should be at home in familiar surroundings, safe with the people you love and full of the joys of the new addition to your family for me were spent in a stark hospital room with no windows, bleeping machines sounding day and night and a constant headache from the tears that just wouldn't stop flowing. I never knew it was possible for a person to cry as much as I did that week. There was also an issue with him loosing too much weight after birth and we had to top up with formula as I have diminished milk supply so cannot sustain him on breast milk alone. I put him on the formula top ups with no hesitation after it was suggested, as after everything else that had happened, i din't want the added worry of him not gaining weight.

It has definetely had an impact on me as I find myself paranoid about Cameron overheating and I do think it is as a result of him being poorly. I know all new mums worry but I feel this is something more. I know he would cry if he got too hot or uncomfortable but I am constantly checking him! I tried to talk to my husband about it today but I don't think he understands. To be honest it's part of the reason that I wanted to write this journal, so that I can express my feelings and let it all out. He has his jabs next week and I am just dreading it as I know he is going to be upset and grizzly and that he may get a temperature. I don't have a thermometer to check it but to be honest that is probably a good thing as I would become even more obsessed than I am. In every other way I am so chilled about being a mum now and I don't worry about anything else, it's just this overheating thing! I know over time the raw feelings I have about that week will fade and although I will never forget it, it will not be so hard to deal with. I know that in comparison to some other mum's I have had it easy even with Cam being poorly, but even with that knowledge it doesn't make it any easier.
Anyway, enough of the down in the dumps woe is me posts (feel better for getting it down though) and time for more pictures of my gorgeous lil man...


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am a little late but i am here :)

cameron is just gorgeous and he looks so alert and grown up though he is only 3 weeks older than amelie. i wonder if she will be like him at that age as for now is more like a potato lol :lol:

we had a rough start too, though for different reasons. i cant imagine how it is your baby to be poorly and can do nth to help it.

but now he is perfect and gorgeous!!! do you enjoy motherhood now? i cant wait to start enjoying it....
Hello Hope!!

Do you know, when I joined this forum, you were the very first person to talk to me! :)

I love being a mummy, its amazing to have such a special bond and when he smiles and chatters to me, my heart just melts.

The main issue I have is this paranoia about him overheating. I drive myself mad!

I'm trying to sort his bedtime routine tonight. Normally I bath him and give him his bottle between 9.30 and 10.30 and we all go to bed together. But, i felt bad waking him up to bath him at that time of night as he quite often has crashed out by tnen. So, tonight I have bathed him at 7, bottle and to bed at 8 and i'll give him a bottle at 10ish just before we go to bed. He's upstairs asleep at the moment and hubby and me are downstairs. I feel a bit guilty that he's up there on his own and keep wondering if he's ok! Which he is ofcourse! Its just because its the first time I've done it. I got hubby to turn the telly right down so i know I'll be able to hear the monitor if he cries. I'll get used to it and i think it'll be better for him to do it this way.

we usually do 1/2 feed at 5, bath at 6, rest of the feed and bed at 7. then after that a late feed between 10-11. she then goes usually until 4.30 then a feed and up for the day at around 7.

sometimes like today that i didnt have time during the day i bath her between 10-11. 1/2 feed at 10 then bath then the rest of the feed at 11.

i usually let her sleep downstairs in her moses basket for the first part of the night with the monitor and the sensory breathing pad on, while i go upstairs to sleep...i feel dead guilty of doing that but i wake up at every noise and otherwise i wouldnt have get any sleep...then when she wake at 4.30 i come down to feed her and when (if) i settle her back i sleep the remaining 2 h on the sofa.

once her naps are more organised i will start putting her for naps upstairs so she gets used to her cot too. (God i sound like an awful mom lol naps upstairs while i am downstairs and night sleep downstairs while i am upstairs :roll:)

i am sure your LO will be perfectly fine...they sleep so much better without us bothering them. its just us feeling guilty...
I have left him to nap upstairs during the day but this is the first time I've done it at night. He sleeps in his moses basket in our bedroom overnight anyway, so he's used to being in there but obviously we are normally in there with him.

A couple of nights a week he might have to go without a bath, as hubby is not confident to bath him and I will be out doing my dog training at bath time but i don't think it will matter too much. He'll get used to it.

He has his last feed at 9-10 and then tends to go through until sometime between 3 and 4, although the night before last he went through until 5!! He used to have a feed at around 1 but he stopped waking for that a couple of weeks ago.

So last night went well. Even though I changed his roitine slightly he didnt feed until 4.30. He did wake before then but went back to sleep. He woke again at 6.30 and I brought him into my bed for cuddles and we woke up at 9.30!! Lovely!! Mind you, poor little mite was desperate for a nappy change by then but he couldn't have been too uncomfortable or else he would have cried.

I'm offering him an extra ounce at feeds from this week too. He's being weighed on Wednesday, so we'll see how much he's gained in the last 2 weeks.

I think he has a bit of a cold as he's quite snuffly and keeps sneezing. Poor little man- seems quite happy though so he cant feel all that bad!

Cuddles until 9.30!!! I am jealous lol :love: you did so good! Did you wake up at least rested?

We did 11-4 and then I got her down at 5.30 she slept until 7 then a bottle and she is being sleeping since then with a bottle in the middle...I tried to keep her awake a little but nope nope...
Guess who will be partying again at afternoon- night lol :(

Amelie got a cold too but she is feeling quite ok I suppose judging from the 120-150 ml of milk that she gulps down in less than 5 min...

I hope Cameron will feel ok, I don't think I can emotionally cope with Amelie being sick and in pain...still waiting here for the Baby blues to let me be lol...
Felt very rested but its now 11 and i'm only just eating my brekkie and still in my jammies! Fed and changed Cam and got him dressed, fed the dogs, fed the cat and chucked a lamb casserol in the slow cooker. Hoping lil man will have a nap so i can shower and bet the housework done before his next feed at 12.30 but it would seem he is in a cuddly mood! Bless him!!

Awww hun, baby blues suck! Hope they bugger off for you soon.

Well, this time 8 weeks ago, my lil man was just one hour old! Where does the time go??

I was thinking the same today...
This time last month I had a lazy Sunday with my oh watching tv having no idea that later that night my waters will pop...
I got all emotional again lol...

How is Cameron doing?he is a big boy now!!:love:
He's doing really well I think. He's going to be weighed tomorrow, so we'll know for sure but he looks like he's getting bigger every day!! He was 9lb 14oz two weeks ago, so it will be interesting to see what he is now.

He has his jabs on Thursday and I am just dreading it :-(

Things are really great at the moment though, everything just seemed to fall into place a couple of weeks after he was born and I'm on top of everything at home. All the housework is done, up to date with all the washing etc - it's so nice to feel in control. I found throughout my pregnancy everyone was telling me how tough it was going to be and how it would be weeks before I got out out of the house, and how i'd be so exhausted I wouldn't be able to do anything and how one day a time will come when you will get the washing on the line the same day as you wash it!! WTF is that all about?? I had a baby to enhance my life, not for it to come to a grinding halt! And all this was coming from the NCT classes. Not the best way to prepare new parents to be! I'm not denying it was tiring to start with but it was nowhere near as hard as they said it would be!! I love being a mummy, it's great and I definetely want another one- just need to convince hubby now!!

More pics of my scrummy little man:


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Well, weight in was good yesterday, he's now just over 11lb.

Jabs today though and I am dreading it. Feel all teary just thinking about it!

Awww! He will be ok :) do you have calpol?
Fx everything will go perfect :hug: m
Good luck!
I have calpol at the ready!!

Today totally sucks ass already and i still have the jabs to come! Woke up this morning with no hot water!!! Raaaaar!!!!

He cried for a little bit but was ok.

He seems ok at the moment. Been chattering away to me and we're just having a nice cuddle.

Well Cam did get a bit grizzly and unsettled yesterday evening but Calpol seemed to settle him down. I fed him at 10 and he slept from 10.20 to 6.20! Thats eight hours!! I havent had 8 hours sleep for months! Amazing! Hoping its a sign of things to come and not just due to the jabs. May be wishful thinking but you never know!!

Going to mum and dads for tea tonight and my little brother and his fiance will be there too, so should be a lovely evening.

So, we survived the dreaded jabs but have both come down with colds. My poor little man is so snuffly and keeps sneezing. Off to town in a moment to get some medicine for the both of us.

On the plus side we have hot water again now! Yaaaaay!! :)


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