My Rainbow - Eleanor Rose


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Jul 22, 2011
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My journey into motherhood for the second time, was not straightfoward. It was a long and difficult journey filled with heartache and loss. There were times when I honestly thought that I would never have another baby but after nearly 2 years and 3 miscarriages, I found myself pregnant again. Despite my whole heartedly expecting another miscarriage, on the 13th May my beautiful rainbow baby daughter arrived.

Her birth was super speedy and she was very nearly born in the car! We arrived at the hospital at 2.10 and she was born at 2.12! If we'd have hit traffic or a red light or two then we'd not have made it!

Yet again I'm experiencing supply issues and breast feeding hasn't gone according to plan. Eleanor's weight has been up and down depending on how much formula she's been supplemented with and with the possibility of a hospital admission on the cards, I had no choice but to predominantly feed her on formula. I still feed her myself while waiting for her bottles to cool but the majority of her calories are gained from formula. I'm taking fenugreek supplements and today got a prescription for Domperidone from the GP. I do not think that my supply will magically increase enough to cut out the formula but if my supply goes up at all then that's brilliant but even if it can just be maintained as it is, that's better than nothing.

She is such a good baby and on the whole she's very content. Cameron absolutely dotes on her and always wants to give her kisses and cuddles! Seeing the two of them together my heart could just burst with love!

I'm feeling very well both physically and mentally and I'm hoping that I've escaped PND this time. Although I'm very disappointed that we've failed at bf again, I'm not beating myself up over it and I'm generally finding things much easier this time around for sure.

Here are some photos of my due date bumpy, 16 days post partum (in pre pregnancy jeans!) and my beautiful baby girl!



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Will be following. Love the pic of Cam proudly holding his little sister xx
Lovely photos! Glad you had a speedy birth xx
Got my rings back on today :)

My fingers have still been too swollen up until now and even though they are still a tiny bit snug , they're not uncomfortable.

I finally ordered a ring for my Houdini Bean too, so now I have one for each of my angels. Hopefully it'll be here soon.

Little E is beautiful. Lovely intro.

I'll be watching :)

Lovely pics so glad to see you over here too x
Got my little lady registered today, so she's an official person!

I've just expressed and no sign as of yet that my milk has increased but I shall keep going with the fenugreek and domperidone and hopefully I'll see a bit of a difference in a day out two.

Feeling pretty tired today, so I think I'll shut my eyes for a bit before it's feeding time again.

Today's efforts!

Rubbish isn't it?! Lol!!



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Some people aren't good at expressing though and at least that's something. I can't hand express anything out even when I'm full! And expressing via pump i's very dependent on the appature of the pump and your nipple size. If you get an electric one too big or too small for up it wont work well.
Awww she is socute!
Wow very jel about the rings haha mine still arent on!!! Xx
I'm not sure if it's possible so soon but it looks very much like my AF is on the way!!

4 weeks to the day tomorrow since Eleanor was born! My cm has gone from clear to blood stained again just like the start of AF! Really hope it's not!!

Geez af already? I've not even finished bleeding from the birth lol weird how different we can recover! I'm finding it fascinating having so many born in the same day the differences we are all having!
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I really hope it's not AF!! I've loved being period free for so long! Hopefully it's just a bit of post partum bleeding still, although that had stopped pretty much and certainly hadn't been red in colour for ages!

We'll see what it's like in the morning!! Hahaha! The morning!! More like in an hour, then again at two, then again at five!! Lol!!

I'm mostly on brown bleeding on the pad but its still red when I wipe etc. I'm dreading af returning lol she's so unpredictable :( but she keeps me healthy I guess!
I am still bleeding 5 weeks on! The health visitor was concerned that it was still bright red but doctor didn't seem worried. I am going to give it another week and call the again xx
Aw hope it's not AF Em. Mine came back pretty much straight away lol! Xx
I'll be taking Eleanor to get weighed on Weds so I'll mention it to the HV.

Really hope it's not just a one off but a sign of things to come! I've just expressed 3.6mls!! I've not ever had that much! Most has been just over 2mls!!

Exciting stuff!

It's the little things eh?! Literally!! Lol!!!

That's great :) the stuff you're taking must be helping. You have done great to persevere with it all and it's paying off xx

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