My scan todayyyyy (possibly yesterday yesterday)


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2008
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Heyy guys as you know ( mainly because ive been going onnn and onn and onn :oops: about it ) i had my 20 week scan today and YAY everythings fine, but it was a really horrible experience and i came out all upset and not just because we could find out the sex ( il come to that ) but the lady was sooo horrible !!
Firstly we got there early, as last time we had a bit of a cuffuffle about my letter saying 10, and her machine saying 2, so i called to check in the morning, got there 11.30, went in aboutttt 11.40 and was out before 12 !! Honestly my first scan was longer, n im sure this ones meant to be a big one for checking everythings ok,

Next she made me lay down :( and turned the monitor away so that only she ( and OH if he lent around my feet) could see it, so far all shed said was, do you want to sit down, and move up a bit, i was really excited so possibly annoying her with how much i was talking asking if she could poss get us a pic of little hands or feet,whether she could try n find out the sex blah blah blah, ( she said no im afraid not their too arkward, and promtly took a £4 photo of LO's shin, bum and half a foot ), but yeah back to my point i kept saying can you turn that round, can i see like a little kid n she was just saying il show you everything at the end,

AND THEN she said you might have to go for a walk, or if i just and started prodding, and smooshing, did this for a whole, i told her it was starting to feel a bit sore and sicky so she stopped and so right well thats no good, theyd curled up into a ball OH said and were waving their little fists ( you tell her little one !!!! ) so i said well can i see now PLEASE ?!!? n she turned it round so i could see, said this is the head, this is the heart, these are the legs, n then i said can you tell the sex at all, wheres there legs ?!?!? So she said no, theyve moved so theyve got their legs crossed now, and then said oh wait i could probably get that now ( get whatttt ??? i said but..... nothing) and then she said thats it then, il just fill in your charts and send them out :( I didnt even get to see their arms, luckily i checked my charts and shes checked, all arms legs present even if not seen :( I must have seen the baby for about 5 minutes if that.

I know im probably being a brat and lots of people dont get scans at all, or at this time but im feeling a bit sore on me tum now n LO's really wriggly, and everyone keeps asking me boy or girl, and im all disappointed because we were going to go baby shopping after but then we couldnt and we didnt know what to do with ourselves all day !!

And to top it off, we had to pay £15 for pictures, for 5 pictures we had no say on, she just clicked away as she went i think, because i didnt see her take em, and tbh my 12 week ones are clearer, but because she'd printed them off we had to pay for them, we said a few so i guess thats our fault as much as anyones but none of the pics are of the whole baby, n there all fuzzy and you cant really tell whats what.

On the bright side i did get one good one ( LO said oo can you take one of them now quick if you cant turn it round (bless him )) Where there all curled up with their knee in their face and their head on their chest :hug:

And everythings OK with LO ( even though how quickly she did the scan makes me a bit worried about this, could she have gotten everything she needed in 10-15 minutes, what if she missed something :( ? ) so im just glad babys healthy and happy and standing its own :cheer:

Ps i meant to write this sooner but iv been avoiding having to read riotgurls post lol i KNEW you'd be able to find out the sex ya jammy sod !!
SCAT :( :hug: :hug: i've been waiting for you all day!!! i'm so sorry that it wasn't a good experience for you i really am. i can't believe that witch treated you like that was so excited and now i bet you feel deflated ...well at least there were no worries and everything looks A OK!! I'm gutted you didn't find out the sex..but nevermind, think of the lovely surprise you're going to get. my pics were crap too..4 closeups of a fuzzy head :(.. But the main thing is we both had good news, it could have been a lot worse (sorry for the cliche)
lots of love :hug:
lol thanks hunn i know im being a spoilt brat cus the most important thing is LO's a happy healthy (kung fu-ing by the looks of it Oh says) baby !!!
I did feel all sorta umph, what now then :S But a friend of mine has booked us a 4d scan as a pressie n i dont know whether to find out the sex then or not, maybe its fate the sonographer wiggled em so much they balled up :think: We'll see im sure il change my mind again beforehand !!
Im glad your pics r as rubbish as mine, specially because i had to pay 15 bledin smackers on em !! could have put that towards a 4d scan !!!
Anyways Oh's determined to make today good, hes had his hand glued to my tum since we got back he wants to make it *the day he felt the baby* so shall be letting ya know how he gets on with that lol Your absolute right everyones hunkeydorey so whats to moan about eh !!!
Sooo boy name ideas it is then mrs !!! :cheer: :hug:
Stupid cow, baby prob wanted to give her a smack for being mean to mummy!!

Does this mean they won't tell you the sex? What a meany!!

x :hug:
Aww hun, I'm sorry youb had a not so good scan especially as we wait sooo long for them :hug:

The sonographer turned the screen away from me too and told me that she would turn it round for me to see once she checked everything. Although it was only about 5 mins, it felt like an eternity because I really wanted to see my LO. Luckily DH turned his chair so that he could see everything :)

I felt like I was in and out very quickly too, I am so excited about my 4d scan cos it's lots lots longer and we will get to see LO for a long time :cheer:

If I were you I would find out the sex at your 4d scan then go out with your OH and go pink / blue shopping. That way you have another day to look forward too :D

aww she sounds really mean not even letting you look :( :hug: sorry you didnt find out the sex xxx
That sounds just like the sonographer I had at my 20 week scan.

We went and had a private gender scan the day afterwards and got loads of better piccys
Thanks girls, i think there must be a meannn sonographer club we keep getting stuck with !!! Roll on 4d scan woooo :p
I know you should wait til your around 25ish weeks to get one, but when did you guys have your ( are having yours ? ) i really want to try n make the most of it :)
Sorry your experience was bad...

Exactly the same for me!

The scan at the hospital was rubbish! She didn't let me see anything except at the very very end. The photo was also rubbish. Then she said she couldn't tell us the sex.

We booked a 4d scan after that and we had that this week - it was great! I would recommend paying for a 4d scan because its totally your time and they show you everything. Plus some great photos.

We went to inner vision in warrington.
Awww :hug: what a shame you had a mean woman especially as you were soo excited! Glad LO's ok though, i emailed 1 of the 4D scan places near me to find out some more info about them and they said between 26-28weeks is ment to be the best time for 4D scans so thts when im probably going to book mine for, i dont know if they mean particularly with their scans or in general though. x
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sorry you had such a naff 20 week experience! I'd write a letter of complaint to the hospital, even if they don't do anything about it at least you've let them know!

It should be an exciting special time! Not something to leave you stressed!

I had my 4D at 26 weeks and got some fantastic pics! xxxx
What a shame you had an awful experience. I would write a letter of complaint too, that sonographer needs to improve her ways!!

It shouldn't be rushed either a 20 week scan. I can't believe how you much you had to pay for your pics!!

If you do have a 4D scan, it's recommended between 25-30. Make sure you're not rushed through as it's a private scan.

Glad your LO is well though, that's the main thing but I totally sympathise with you for having the experience spoilt by that horrible woman.
Yes 4d are 26 weeks and over....but we got a package where we got a 22 week sexing scan and we're going back in 6 weeks for the next one.

Aww :( :hug: Sorry it wasn't the experience you'd hoped hun. She does sound horrible too :hug:
My 4D scan was at 24 weeks, it was earliest they do but i was desperate to see her again and find out the sex.

During our 20 week scan the monitor was constantly facing us and i could see everything she did, she also talked through what she was doing.

I'd complain tbh, i know the scans are there to check baby is ok but it's also to put your mind at rest and it hasnt done that, also if she was rude to you and seemed rushed it's worth mentioning.

My 12 week scan the lady was very rude to me, She was going on about didnt anyone tell you to have a full bladder, and i said yes and it was quite full and she siad it was totally empty, to which i replied so why do i need to pee so much then? The pics were clear but she literally went theres a baby, pointed at it, measured the size told me how far on i was and sent me away, i had to ask for a photo and got a bitchy yes it'll be outside wiating. She was horrible
Aw, that sucks. I can understand as our sonographer was obviously having a bad day.

However, the msot important thing is that everything's growing ok, and you know you'll just have to have a 4D now! :)
I am having a paranoid day today...feeling really emotional so don't take offense but ...

it seems like people are saying that 4d scans are not done at 22 weeks... and lots of ppl said this after I mentioned I just had mine...

Well I just had one this week at inner vision in Warrington, a sexing scan.

We have pics and a DVD too.

Here is the link:
""This is a fifteen minute scan of your baby that we can perform for you from 22 weeks gestation onwards. ""

God I think I'm just having a bad day or something. Just ignore me.
So, so sorry to hear about your scan experience scatterpatch :hug: :hug: :hug: That's very insensitive of the sonographer :( Have you thought about bringing it up with your MW, airing your concerns as to your baby's health due her to being so quick and silent? Or a private scan? On a positive note, it's more likely she did do everything necessary and I'm sure your baby is just fine, but if she couldn't see the sex, surely you'd need another scan anyway?

Very best wishes :hug: :hug: :hug:

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