My sister.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
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My sister is almost 19 and has been with her boyfriend for 3 years now. She tells me about all these guys shes cheating on him with and iv told her i dont want to know but she keeps getting me involved. I really like her boyfriend, hes a great guy and i dont want to be the bad guy for not saying anything. She told me she doesnt love him and shes only with him so she can trick him into getting her pregnant and him actually wanting it so her child will have a father that wants to be in its life. :shock:

I feel like i dont even know my sister anymore. Iv tried giving her advice about this and she just says im jelouse because she'll be pregnant before me. But im not, i just dont want my sister or my friend getting hurt. :cry: I dont know what to do!
Sorry but stories like that really REALLY beep me off when there are many women in my situation, paying thousands for IVF, etc.!

Too many women in this world taking pregnancy & their ability to have children for granted!

Nice life she has panned out for her & her unborn. I know accidents happen & women go on to keep their child & breakups can happen but this is MADNESS!

I know if I was you I'd slap her face & tell her to get a hold of her self!

Selfish mare!

An sorry for the fact she is your sister but thats my opinion!
i know i feel the same.
Iv told her that theres no need to rush and if she doesnt love him then having a child and leading him on just to have a child is wrong.
Especially when shes sleeping around, i dont want any of my family going through blood tests in later life to find there real dad and knowing that i could have stopped it. :cry:

Iv tried every thing to stop her, iv even told him that they should go on a break so she can think about whats shes doing and what she wants but neither of them think anything is wrong. I just dont want to break one day and tell him everything or kill her because i dont want any one to get hurt. And at the moment in time the only person getting hurt is me :cry:
And if i help then im just jelous because im not pregnant yet :oops:
i'd post an annoymous note to her boyfriend and tell him she is cheating on him - proof would be a good idea.
I would tell her boyfriend too, he needs to know. Sorry you're sister is a selish mare. :(
I'd tell her boyfriend as well. It's unfair that he is going to be tricked into becoming a dad for her benefit. He will have to pay for the child for the rest of his life when he's only young and might not want the responsibility of becoming a father just yet.

She sounds like she really needs to grow up! You can't go around acting like that! Fair enough if she wants to be with other blokes but she needs to dump her boyfriend if she wants to play the field. Sounds like she just wants to use him until something else comes along or until she gets what she wants. I'd give her a slap, sorry but I couldn't listen to anyone say that to me especially my sister.
i got a new update today.

She said shes topped taking the pill and this week end she was pestering him for sex and he was making excuses. I told her its obvies hes not ready and if she pushes him shes going to be left with a baby on her own and the only one thats going to get hurt is him and the baby.

Shes not responsible. I was saying about these bills i pay and she said "why do you pay so much" ....BECAUSE THATS WHAT IT BLOODY WELL COSTS TO LIVE IN YOUR OWN HOME!!! shes so nieve. Im younger than her and much more mature! i could kill her!! :wall:

She doesnt even have her own house and her boyfriend said they can have kids when they have there own home and some savings (he doesnt know shes tricking him). I feel so sorry for him, i dont want him to be used and i dont want to break his heart. :x

even anonymously would save this poor bloke from ur selfish moo of a sis!!!
does he know shes not on the pill anymore?
I'm not sure. He knows she wants kids right now.
"just after my b-day i was surfing the net when i spotted a cool lookin profile so i started talkin to this bloke and he sounded wow!

so i talked to him about allsorts but because this guy was really cute and sounded interesting i made up a stupid fuckin story without the fact that i have a bf (Ben). so he thinks i'm a horny singleton.............................

.....until i realise that i can't escape ben and theres no point in trying so i tell the guy the truth and everything has gone tits up and i'm sat hear wishin myself rotting because i liked this guy more than ben and i haven't even met him!

on reflection this sounds sad and now i'm wondering the reason ben and i are trying for a baby. i now feel dizzy and sick and i'm panicing because my life is racing away from my control and everyone in it is destroying my self esteem and i don't know who i am anymore!

SOMEBODY SAVE ME! (and bring some jack d!)"

:shock: :shock: :shock:
Can you talk to anyone else in your family about this?'s madness if you can make her see sense you HAVE to tell him...she'll wreck his life if she gets pregnant this way, in 20 years time he'll still have a kid and a mental woman as his ex... you have to tell him!
she told me today that she was sick of him and is going to leave him, but she couldnt be messing about again. :fib:
dont let him have sex with her!!! im sorry but he needs to know, not just for the sake of stopping her having his baby who wont have a dad around and she knows it! but she could have caught something from all these guys she has been sleeping around with.

And the poor guy has no idea she is sleeping around and might catch something, that wouldnt be fair on him at all :(
jenna said:
"just after my b-day i was surfing the net when i spotted a cool lookin profile so i started talkin to this bloke and he sounded wow!

so i talked to him about allsorts but because this guy was really cute and sounded interesting i made up a stupid f**k story without the fact that i have a bf (Ben). so he thinks i'm a horny singleton.............................

.....until i realise that i can't escape ben and theres no point in trying so i tell the guy the truth and everything has gone tits up and i'm sat hear wishin myself rotting because i liked this guy more than ben and i haven't even met him!

on reflection this sounds sad and now i'm wondering the reason ben and i are trying for a baby. i now feel dizzy and sick and i'm panicing because my life is racing away from my control and everyone in it is destroying my self esteem and i don't know who i am anymore!

SOMEBODY SAVE ME! (and bring some jack d!)"

:shock: :shock: :shock:

Sorry to ask but what was this bit about??

I know you said that you don't want to break your friends heart, but what would hurt him more, splitting up with her now knowing that she was sleeping around and just using him to try and get pregnant so that her "baby" had a dad that would want to be around..... and probably fighting to see the baby more and parting with lots of money etc etc.

Or actually going through what "dad in june" is going through at the moment and then finding out that the baby may or may not be his, and possibly ending up on trisha or something (far fetched i know!)

He would probably be more upset that you knew and didn't tell him as a friend so that he can come to his own conclusions!

and if that message above is evidence then maybe you should show him that... or like some of the girls have said do it anonimously (sp?)

Good luck whatever you decide hun


What a situation to be in like the others are saying i would tell him he really needs to know

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