Names decided already?


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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Anyone else had the decision made really early on? I really struggled with my first and second baby but this time it's all decided!

If its a boy we are going for Sebastian Marcus and if it's a girl she will be Sienna Rose

I can't wait to find out!!!!!

Oh I really like those names!

We had a few names agreed on for our son, but only one felt right. We'll probably do the same again this time tbh, the list is currently

Boy: elliott, Ethan or Joshua with a middle name Thomas or William
Girl: seren emilia, emilia ?, Madeleine ?, obviously struggling with middle names for two!

No doubt will have a completely new set of lists come l day!
Me and my OH chose our names really early on.. So much so I think we had a boys name chosen before we even conceived! Haha.. Now we are expecing a little boy + have still stuck with the original name! x
Thank you :)

I LOVE Ethan!! Wanted to call my second that but OH was not having it! :(

It's always easier to pick a girls name I find - I love Seren! It's beautiful :)

Picking names makes it all so much more real! Although we have had the girls name for ages but haven't had a chance to use it ;) x

Aww thank you! :D
I think it was about the only name that me and my OH agreed on haha..
Seren is a lovely name!
It does indeed :) So exciting!! xx
I like Jack but OH won't have anything that's traditional or used a lot.

We had Jack's name picked before the 12 week scan :)

This time our names are:

Girl: Jessica (Jessie) Joyce
Boy: Charlie Colin
Even though ive not conceived yet me and OH have got our name we like and have done for about a year or more. Logan William Evans for a boy and Demi May Leigh Evans for a girl.

Ah gorgeous names!! Hope you have twins so you can use both hehe ;) x

Me and my OH chose our names really early on.. So much so I think we had a boys name chosen before we even conceived! Haha.. Now we are expecing a little boy + have still stuck with the original name! x

Love your names Berti87 xx

Hubby and I were like you Leah04x we had our girls name looooooong before we even started trying (well the first name anyway) of Elise chosen by hubby (as he wanted a Lotus Elise car haha never gonna happen unless we win the lottery and he asked, if we had a girl when we decided to have kids, could we call her that) and our boys name, Alfie got decided fairly early on in the pregnancy so now just to see which one we use both ready to go once minion pops out xx
For a girl we decided on Poppy Alice quite early on but it took us until about 34 weeks to decide on Sebastian for a boy (not sure on middle name yest, possibly george)

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