Nct nearly new sale


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2010
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I went to one today and it was fab! They lined up all the clothes in age range by gender, all the toys, books, equipment were in separate bits too! All bagged up with prices on them, so you put things in your shopping bag and take it to the "checkout" and pay :)

Got loads of lovely things and only spent £25! Some photos of a couple of bargains

Elc letter lion £2.50

Gorgeous dress £1

So ladies it's really worth going to one, you don't realise until you have a child how little some things are used. Like jumperoos; they are nearly £100 and Isla has used it for 4 months, she loved it but it's such slot of money. All the clothes are not marked or badly worn as they are sorted through by staff. I got 10 vests, 2 dresses, 4 trousers, 1 cardigan, 2 tops, 12 books, a doll, the lion, a car mirror toy, and leapfrog maracas for £25. Most of the clothes are next, pumpkin patch and m&s!

Emma xx

Sounds like you got some really good bargains. I love nct sales, have our local one soon, really looking forward to picking up some bargains x
I went to one last october heavily pregnant & it was Fab but heaving! im going to one again on 8th october can't wait! xx
I went to one today i;ll take some pics of what i got :) they are fab xx
Rocking horse- £5
Doll- £10 has 4 outfits with her all in wash
Leap frog french/ english drum- £2
Brand new walker with bricks- £8

I also go tons of outfits and some sleeping bags for £2
where to you find out where your local nct is? x
I just googled nct nearly new sales and it brought up a search bar to put my post code in x I just looked and you're in Nottinghamshire. There is a sale in beeston soon, and if you fancy a trek magna, at Rotherham x
I went to a nearly new sale today, got lots of clothes, some shoes. a doll & a little peoples playhouse All for £28 well pleased!
going too Another one on the 8th october xx
i went to one today....some absolute bargains
I wish Id known about these before I had LO, the amount of money we spent ... :faint:
Go very very early. I went to one and was 15 mins early. Couldn't park for streets away and the queue was massive. We gave up in the end. FYI if you are an NCT member take your membership card you should get let in first. I'm gonna volunteer for the next one as volunteers get first dibs :)
I am helping out at this one so I get to go in early and don't have to deal with all the crowds, we used to turn up 30 mins early and there was already a que x
I was going to go to one soon, but I don't know if I would go with the crowds and heaving people then, I hate that, all that grabbing and fighting for stuff in the first minutes, I would think people were rude , was it like that at all?

If so , I think I will stick to car boots maybee and rumage for good quality stuff , I want a ride on fokr Devons birthday
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im putting some stuff into my local one next week hope it all sells & i hope to get some more bargains! x
I have not found that anyone has been rude, I have never been pushed and shoved but then I guess poeple are a little cautious as they maybe unsure if you are pregnant or not. x

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