Nervously posting here!

Wow that progression is incredible!!!
That cheapie at 14dpo is a stunner.
Huge congratulations <3
When the baby’s born, ha.
No but really, it gets better and more real every milestone… after the first scan is a huge one, getting out of the first tri is a huge one, having a belly and feeling movement helps the most I think.
Will you get an early scan?
Yay, things are obviously progressing really well rainbow mama, how exciting :dance: Are you experiencing any symptoms yet?
I'm afraid I've only ever used this forum but it certainly is a lot quieter on here than it used to be xx
Extreme tiredness is the biggest symptom I’ve got, I’m starting to feel a little queasy but also extreme hunger… like I’ll eat and an hour later I’m starving hungry again! :lol:

Congratulations! Your lines are really dark and clear, plus you are now confirmed pregnant am I right? You certainly deserve this moment. I remember when I had my two week wait, and it was so stressful. I also managed to wait until testing date. I had my baby through sperm donation and had only 3 embryos to freeze. We used one who is now our baby girl! Are you having your baby naturally or with your own egg?
Congratulations! Your lines are really dark and clear, plus you are now confirmed pregnant am I right? You certainly deserve this moment. I remember when I had my two week wait, and it was so stressful. I also managed to wait until testing date. I had my baby through sperm donation and had only 3 embryos to freeze. We used one who is now our baby girl! Are you having your baby naturally or with your own egg?
Are you ttc again? Xx
Today is scan day. I am manifesting positive news, a positive outcome and a pregnancy in the right place. After four long years of battling infertility, recurrent miscarriage AND an ectopic pregnancy; we darn well deserve this. <3
Keep us posted!!!! So happy for you!!!!
Scan went quite well, although not brilliant so I’ve been offered a free re-scan.

Pregnancy IN uterus AND heartbeat seen.
Possibly twins?


I’m so so happy for you!

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