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Hey, 8 week scan on 15 th Sept xx
Can I be added, got my BFP 31st August, due 6th May.
Hi, can I be added please?

Got my BFP on 19th Aug
Estimated Due Date 30th April 2012
Had an Early Emergency Scan on 1st Sept and all is fine
Due to go back for a second early scan on 15th Sept


Chelb13 xxx
Hi, can i be added. Got my BFP today. EDD - May 15th 2012 xx
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All updated! :)

So sorry chilligirl :hugs: i must have missed any threads on what happened :hugs:

Welcome to tri1 to the new may babies!

Anymore for anymore?
Done :)

Congrats! love how may babies are rreally filling up now! my birthday is may, i wonder if anyone will have an EDD 22nd May :)
That is also my partners birthday (22nd) so kinda hope ill be a few days late and we shall have our baby on his birthday xx
Didnt see this before!! My EDD atm is 15th May according to my MW.
Hi Nurse, thx but you havent missed anything. It happened quick&mmc so none of worrying sings. Have been on holiday when found out so had to sort it out asap last week when w got back. That website u hv recommended on other pages is very good. Hope all works out for u, good luck x
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Sorry to hear that chilligirl :hugs:

I used that website alot after both my MMC, lots of info.

Take care hun, thinking of you. xxx
Please add me, it might help me to remember stuff rofl

BFP 22nd august, 12 week scan 22nd september, due date 6th april

Fanx ever so xxxxxxxxx
Just to add to the last bits of bad news.
Not good news at scan today. MMC again.
I should of known it was bad news last time when only measuring 6 wks and no heartbeat, just tried so hard to be positive.
Couldnt believe it could happen twice, esp after I have a healthy little boy and trouble free pregnancy two yrs ago.

Nurse how did you find the strength to try again after two MMC;s? Not sure I can ever face going through it again.
Also what id the website you spoke about that really helped you through?

Corrinne xxx

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