New Zealand earthquake: 65 at least dead in Christchurch


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2006
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Devastating news for Christchurch AGAIN

I was surprised how many on my facebook have loved ones and friends in Christchurch. I have my Mum over there, younger cousin and other relatives that I don't really know (like my Mums Dad). Think my cousin wants to come home, I think he should. I read somewhere that whist they experience many all year round most are not felt and the last devastation was 60's or 70' losing 2 lives. BIG difference with 65 and 2 large impacts.

Read how people have lived since last year:

My Mum was one of those people to lose her home last year but thankfully has somewhere a little better than having to live in her ruined home.

Whist everyone is ok on my side there are many who are not both from NZ and Britons. One graphic designer is reported to be on his way home too, good move I say. Not spoke to my Mum due to no phone lines and low battery power.
:( I saw, how terrible :cry:

I really hope your mum is ok, its so devestating for all concerned :(
Shes fine, they are all together at her Dads house and my cousin shares and so all the house mates are together. I believe they have been told to stay in for 3 days, the whole of Christchurch comes to a halt.
Nz has been hit hard lately :-( it's such a beautiful place too. O/h lived in Christchurch for a few months.
It will have caused so much suffering for so many people, as well as the families of the 65 people who have died, others will have lost homes and businesses. So so sad :-(
I know there's spirit talk of rebuilding Christchurch but I bet many live with doubt, look at the limbo many have had to live with since last year from that article, this second blow has destroyed so much more like you say.

If I was there I would return home but that leaves no assurance for those who are from Christchurch. I couldn't live with the fear.
I couldn't either, how disheartening to watch everything you've worked for get repeatedly destoyed :(

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